Morbid Collection

Recueil Morbide

The French Brutal Death Metal band RECUEIL MORBIDE, was born in 2000. With a total […]
By Jessica Pearman
March 30, 2015
Recueil Morbide - Morbid Collection album cover

The French Brutal Death Metal band RECUEIL MORBIDE, was born in 2000. With a total of eight releases; four full length studio albums, two demo albums and two EPs, these guys have recording and touring under their belts. These guys are known to be brutal and known to have some pissed off music. RECUEIL MORBIDE has lyrical themes that reside in death, struggle, and depression. They find bands such as BENIGHTED, KRONOS, TORTURED SOUL, HUMAN PARASITE, DILUVIAN, INHUMATE, etc. as influential artists to their own creative flows.

RECUEIL MORBIDE is back with their ninth full-length studio album, "Morbid Collection". The album comes in with eleven tracks at just over 41 minutes of listening time. The album starts off has hard and brutal, as you would expect from a Death Metal band.

The overall sound is intense, pissed-off music with a creative flare that's nice to hear to cut the monotony most blast beats develop. These guys do a remarkable job creating a cohesive sound that doesn't depend on the blast beats so much to create the merciless sound. The bass is beautifully low and keeps the sound tidy and sleek. They work in tandem with the drums and keep this album in line. The guitars are impressive, keeping a melody that usually isn't found as profoundly in heavier metal, such as this. The vocals are a bit crazy. They have an insane range that moves from higher pitch screams to multiple layers of disembodied grunts and growls.

To get an idea of the level of musicianship RECUEIL MORBIDE has, check out "Ritual Time", "Chronicle of a Decline Perversions", "The Suffering Remains" and "Travel to See". Each of these tracks is riddled with creative ebbs and flows, a technicality with guitar work that is intense and savage, but still tactical and somewhat progressive.

There is no doubt in my mind that these guys are evolving, and after 15 years of playing, they can create an amazing album. "Morbid Collection" deserves your love, as does RECUEIL MORBIDE. Be sure to check this album out. If you like Metal with growled vocals and intense Death Metal elements, you will enjoy this one.<

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Morbid Collection" Track-listing:

1. Ritual Time
2. We Harvest what We Sow
3. Belated Revenge
4. Chronicle of a Decline: Perversions
5. Chronicle of a Decline: Obsessions
6. Unconsciously
7. With His Hate
8. Untolerance to Frustration
9. Nightmarish Collapse
10. The Suffering Remains
11. Travel to See

Recueil Morbide Lineup:

Marc - Guitar
Jerome - Vocals
Will - Guitar
Johan - Bass
Syl - Drums

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