Whispers of Lore


A refreshing and good debut from this quintet of epic Heavy Metal.
January 3, 2024

Epic Heavy Metal is nothing more than the mix between traditional Heavy Metal ways with some elements that creates those old and good epic landscaping ambiences, something that MANOWAR, IRON MAIDEN, SKYCLAD and others use wisely in the past. Today, many bands are trying such way (as Old School Metal tendencies are back), and to hear an album as “Whispers of Lore”, the first work released by Cyprus quintet RECEIVER is a very good experience.

It’s a pure Heavy Metal album influenced directly by the cream of NWOBHM, German Metal and US Metal traits from the first half of the 80s, with energy and melodies being mixed in the same proportions. The formula isn’t new at all, and it’s not a sin to say that they bear clear influences of IRON MAIDEN, OMEN, SAXON, BITCH, WARLOCK, ACCEPT, DIO, RIOT and others; but in the hands of the quintet things work with a new life and a personality pulses, and it’s impossible to not surrender to their musical efforts. It’s obvious that the band has to sharp their efforts and evolve a bit more, but what is heard on the album is very good.

The band hired Nick Papakostas (the guitarist/vocalist of STRIKELIGHT and CONVIXION, known for his productions) to work on the recordings, mixing and mastering of the songs of “Whispers of Lore”. The efforts of both sides (band and producer) earned the album an old fashioned, crude and organic sonority in a ‘plug-and-play’ way, but in a form that can be understood. It’s good, besides the band’s music deserved more. And the artwork of Nikoletta Kyprianou (the band’s singer) depicts something classic, but with a modern on the way it was done.

As “Whispers of Lore” plays, one can have the idea that they have potential to make something great in a near future, being a matter of sharpening their musical efforts. But for now, it’s impossible to not pay respect to the band for moments as “Unite” (a strong and purely NWOBHM influenced song, with very good work on bass guitar and drums), “Starchaser” (again NWOBHM traits can be heard on the band’s melodies, but with very good vocals), “Falling to Dust” a more climatic song with very good rhythms, but where guitars are ruling supreme), “Raiders of the Night” (an intense moment filled with a savage and melodic energy), “Arrow” (a truly Epic Heavy Metal song, with fine backing vocals helping to put the epic side of their music in evidence), and “Whispers of Lore”. And pay attention to the CD bonus track (“Prowess and Decay”) as well.

As said above, RECEIVER has too much to offer, and it’s a matter of working their efforts in the future. For now, “Whispers of Lore” is a fine breakthrough.

7 / 10









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"Whispers of Lore" Track-listing:
  1. Unite
  2. Starchaser
  3. Trespasser
  4. Falling to Dust
  5. Wilderness (instrumental)
  6. Raiders of the Night
  7. Arrow
  8. Whispers of Lore
  9. Prowess and Decay
Receiver Lineup:

Nikoletta Kyprianou - Vocals
Charalambos Vassiliou - Guitars
Andreas Kyriacou - Guitars
Loizos Koukoumas - Bass
Yiannis Xanthou - Drums

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