Son Of A Gun


All the way from 80's and the 70's comes RAZZMATTAZZ. A German hard rock band […]
By Matan "Shouter" Yaniv
February 11, 2015
Razzmattazz - Son Of A Gun album cover

All the way from 80's and the 70's comes RAZZMATTAZZ. A German hard rock band who formed in Reutlingen, Germany. It's well known that the Metal in Germany only blooms over the years and the Heavy Metal scene is well known, especially by releasing a legends like SCORPIONS and ACCEPT.

RAZZMATTAZZ is a band that we can hear in the album that grown on the Heavy Metal's legends

The opening song, "Son Of A Gun", sounds like he came straight from the Rock Of Ages' soundtrack. It's a one kick-ass song with one crazy riff that is some kind of amazing combination between BLACK SABBATH and DEF LEPPARD.

"Down On My Knee" is a fun song too, but the problem is that the song just remains the same all long. The song doesn't change atmosphere and suffer from absence of high-light points. The main riff almost can't leave the song along and it's creating a kind of a feeling boring.

"Bullshit" pays off this, by been a crazy heavy song. The song almost ignoring the 80's influence and create something that more reminds a modern heavy metal like STEEL PANTER and AIRBOURNE.

I'm really divided in my opinion for "Fuck You". On one hand, it's very cheeky and smart song that using the power of a slow rhythm to create a big... Well a big 'fuck you'. On the Other hand, the song have the same problem that he just repeating himself over and over again with the same rhythm with the same stuff that was cool on the first minute and continue with it in 4 more minutes, and I mean it's a little exaggeration.

"Don't Lose My Number", "Demolition Man" & "Bang Your Head" are both got the same problem, I mean like exactly the same problem. And I don't say that they are not nice songs, because they are. "Don't Lose
My Number
" is a cute song with nice chorus and some very original Country elements. "Demolition Man" is less good but the bridge part is absolutely great.

"Kung Fu" is, for my opinion only, the best song in this album. It's a song that beside that being a perfect pleasure and really fun to hear, it's the most sophisticated song in the album. The band showing in this song that they are real underdogs and they got a lot of talent to create songs that can be at the same level with the bands that are influenced by them.

In the bottom line, in this album we can hear that the band got a lot of experiment and a lot of talent and we can also hear that they really love to do a hardcore Rock N Roll that they grown on.

The problems in this band that most of their songs repeating over the same rhythm and over the same riffs for so many times that the listener can start to feel tired from the song in some point.

Still the songs are nice, "Kung Fu" and "Son Of A Gun" are just two under the 'amazing' category but the other songs are nice.

The band got the talent and the experiment to create a great album but it's just not this one.

7 / 10


"Son Of A Gun" Track-listing:

1. Son Of A Gun
2. Down On My Knee
3. Bullshit
4. Fuck You
5. Don't Lose My Number
6. Demolition Man
7. Bang Your Head
8. Kung Fu
9. Around And Around
10. Honey Bunny
11. Desperado

Razzmattazz Lineup:

Tom Schaupp - Vocals, Guitar
Bad Mike Bösinger - Drums
Alex Palma - Bass, Backing Vocals
Wolle Heieck - Guitar, Backing Vocals

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