Battalion of Demons
July 15, 2016

2016 might be the year Thrash Metal was put back on the map! You have had some tremendous albums by the likes of DEATH ANGEL, DESTRUCTION and the highly underrated ACCUSER. In 2015 you had SLAYER that came back with a vengeance with ''Repentless'' but it was a weak year for the genre. I'd say in the last decade or so you have seen a lot of newer bands in the genre that are a melting pot of the early eighties stuff mixed with the raw (no pun intended) aggression of the pioneers of Death Metal like VENOM and DEATH. They add their own spin to two genres that were often mixed together back in the day. Bands like MUNICIPAL WASTE and HAVOK are bands that mixed both genres and made an impact with the crossover. They were pretty unique in the genre and added to breathe new life in the Thrash Metal scene. A scene that had been going to the dogs for a number of years. They revitalized the genre and a lot of bands have kept up and taken these bands as inspiration. RAW are spiritual successors to that new breed of Thrash Metal.
They mix elements of chaotic Punk (like DRI), Death Metal and Thrash Metal to make a very aggressive and appealing album. They may not reinvent the wheel and we have heard these types of songs before but it's still quite enjoyable. The production is good... probably much better than a lot of stuff from back in the day. It's funny how much technology people have access nowadays to make a good sounding record. Thrash Metal was not meant to be the best sounding genre, just something that could pretty much blow up your stereo system! No song really stands out for me unfortunately. It's pretty memorable stuff but it's the whole album that creates that vibe. You can feel the energy, the drive and just pure insanity of those guitar riffs. It's heart pounding fun! Ok, it's pretty repetitive at times but the music speaks in volumes. They are a throwback to bands that didn't give a crap about anything and were speaking their mind. They yelled about politics, love, war and the society in general. They want their songs to be faster, more aggressive and try to outdo themselves time after time. If this band could come over to America, I believe they have a chance to have that moderate success that the new wave of Thrash Metal has had since the middle 2000s!
7 / 10

"Battalion of Demons" Track-listing:
1. Batallion of Demons
2. Death Bacteria
3. Career Decisions
4. Shell Shock
5. Last Breath
6. Full Speed Ahead
7. Dark Clouds
8. Stop Asking
9. Start a Cult
10. Live Sucks
11. Link Riders
12. Rawmetal Thrashsquad
Raw Lineup:
Ill Phil - Vocals
Alexander Wenz - Drums
Dirty Dirk - Guitar
Thomas Schemer - Guitar
Niki Beisert - Bass
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