Bestia Borealis


What a strange band! Hailing from Northern Sweden, RAUBTIER is indeed a weird Industrial Metal […]
By Yngwieviking
January 7, 2015

What a strange band! Hailing from Northern Sweden, RAUBTIER is indeed a weird Industrial Metal trio from Haparanda, playing a special mix of Martial Metal with some RAMMSTEIN & SABATON overtones; they sing in Swedish with a strong accent and a hard boiled thematic about booze, fighting, wilderness, hunting and similar stuff...

This Scandinavian Bird of Prey is merciless and their music is ruthless; the band of predators is about to release their fifth full length album titled "Bestia Borealis", much more influenced by SABATON than before, with some new found symphonic orchestrations and a new focus on War subjects. I think that their extensive touring, and their obvious friendship with Joakim Brodén & co is the reason for such a transformation. SABATON had even covered a RAUBTIER track ("En Hjältes Väg") in their 2014's limited edition of "Heroes"...

But nevertheless, the metamorphosis isn't complete; some primal elements are still specific to this wild. The rude/harsh character of RAUBTIER is still vivid, his brutal urge is still devastating. If you are searching for poetry or subtlety you are on the wrong path, even the symphonic arrangements, the church organs, the choirs or the electronic loops doesn't hide the raw nature of the beast and their original savage spirit!

The riffs are based on hypnotic basic-down-tuned palm-mute method and the low and nasty gritty vocals of Pär Hulkoffgarden (ex-WINTERLONG, also active as lead guitar player with ATOMKRAFT) are mostly in the very dirty Thrash mode!

To be totally honest, this is not my cup of tea in music, and if I enjoyed the first minutes, rapidly it became obvious that "Bestia Borealis" will never be among my favorite records, but it kept a particularity of being attractive like a forbidden fruit or something like that!

The funny thing is that the members are more or less involved in tons of projects/bands of other stylistic kind, notably rookie bass player Jonas Kjellgren who is mostly known for being a guitarist (exCARNAL FORGE/exSCAR SYMMETRY) and a renowned engineer/producer (DEALS DEATH/BLOODBOUND/DYNAZTY), so it seems to me that RAUBTIER is working like a liberating outlet when they need to regulate an excess of frustration and aggressivity...Like a catalyst of bitterness and anger and that's exactly what is all about, a big middle finger to the establishment and to the politically correct way of thinking!

Now it's time to awake the headbanging animal which is asleep in you, with "Bestia Borealis" it will reveal its deep temper!<

7 / 10


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"Bestia Borealis" Track-listing:

1. Det Finns Bara Krig
2. Dobermann
3. Kamphund
4. Världsherravälde
5. Polarvargen
6. Lebensgefahr
7. Sveriges Elit
8. Vittring
9. Låt Napalmen Regna
10. Skjut, Gräv, Tig
11. Qaqortoq
12. Panzarmarsch

Raubtier Lineup:

Hulkoff - Lead Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards
Buffeln - Drums
Kjellgren - Bass

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