The Exile

Rapheumet's Well

What's up Metal maniacs? I'm here once again to give you an insight; this time, […]
By Craig Rider
July 27, 2016
Rapheumet's Well - The Exile album cover

What's up Metal maniacs? I'm here once again to give you an insight; this time, on the American Death/Black Metal outfit known as RAPHEUMET'S WELL and their 2nd album "The Exile"

Implementing orchestral melodies in Death and Black Metal is probably an unheard of thing for most of us; it's like when MANOWAR did that on their song "The Crown And The Ring" off their "Kings of Metal" album - they say they were the first Metal band to put that element into fruition. RAPHEUMET'S WELL could very well be one of the first among Death and Black Metal bands to use this element with full, consistently driven focus. Nevertheless, we have here a collective that pushes the boundaries of this visionary task. And it works well, to an extent. For atmospheric purposes "The Exile" sounds great; the Death Metal portion serves brilliantly well, as does the Black Metal side. As for the Orchestral (Metal?) touches - atmospherically they indeed work, and add additional flavour to the maelstrom. Here and there I noticed some nice Hardcore transitions as well...which also shows how they try to push the boundaries.

There is an abundance of musicians here; Nathauj on bass and Nasaru on drums (as well as clean vocals) showcase their powers with blunt force; Asteroth and Rafumet on guitars showcase some intensified riffs that explode with ferocious skill; Dekerath on keyboards makes use of the orchestral inclinations as progressively as possible; and last but not least, Voryanth on lead vocals showcases some brutally powerful cords that mix well with the Death/Black Metal interplay. This is group that are professional in their musicianship and instrumentality; everything sounds unique and original. The orchestral elements have a new intrigue that focuses on something special. From the ground up, the "The Exile" begins with that notion in mind and transcends into a Death/Black Metal gorefest. This record is a fun institution that explores a blend of every genre imaginable and tries implementing all relatable genres into the mix.

Starting with "Resurrecting the Blood Gate", I feel compelled to say that this is one of the utmost unique records I have acquainted myself with, and is a breath of fresh air. With songs like "The Blight of Sotath Shal" and "The Epic of Darmak", the fusion of Death and Black Metal can be easily noticed between certain coalitions. "Crucible of Titans" and "Resurgence" compile more implemented progressions while surging a thorough complex vision with clean female vocals and energy that left me in headbanging awe. Similarly experiences can be found in "Witch of the Dark Spire" and the titular track "The Exile", which are composed in more of an atmospheric transition while keeping the Death and Black integration in head-on impact. And so the album ends with "Planetary Cenotaph", and in stunningly brutal fashion; mixing all of the above, and rounding out an utmost original and memorable album that should be listened to at least once.

"The Exile" is a compilation of 8 lengthy tracks that are free for you to listen to via their bandcamp website; thus giving you the opportunity to be the judge. Is it the album of the year? Not necessarily. But it's up there on one of the most unique listens you'll find in 2016.


8 / 10









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"The Exile" Track-listing:
  1. Resurrecting The Blood Gate
  2. The Blight of Sotath Shal
  3. The Epic of Darmak
  4. Crucible of Titans
  5. Resurgence
  6. Witch of Dark Spire
  7. The Exile
  8. Planetary Cenotaph
Rapheumet's Well Lineup:

Tripp King (Voryanth) - Lead Vocals
Annette Greene (Dekerath) - Clean Vocals/Keyboards
Jon Finney (Nathauj) - Bass
Daniel Presnell (Asteroth) - Guitar
Hunter Ross (Rafumet) - Guitar
Joshua Ward (Nasaru) - Drums

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