Where Evil Dwells
April 1, 2015

You can gleam some idea of what RANGER are about simply from the cover of their first full-length album. They're not complicated or hiding any agenda, they're simply here to have some fun and lay down some riffs.
I must admit that when I first hit the play button I wasn't sure what I thought; the vocals had a good range and were clearly being emitted from a skilled individual, but they sounded too loud and weren't in time with the rest of the music. I shouldn't have liked it, but I did, and it's hard to understand why. Perhaps it's the fact that the band are clearly having so much fun- you can hear that amidst the pounding drums and the restlessness of the guitars. The lyrics aren't meant to be intelligent or taken seriously, although you can kind of tell that just from the way they sound.
While it's difficult to draw direct comparisons due to the unique vocal style, the best example I can think of that fits the music is SABATON. The militaristic, melodic musical style definitely applies here, to "Defcon 1" especially. The introduction is loud and shameless, and a decent riff exists in the middle of the song, despite some parts being slightly repetitive. "Deadly Feast" is somewhat forgettable with nothing noteworthy being introduced, and "Phantom Soldier" once again has a great midsection with a wonderful bass and a very catchy riff. This seems to be a formula relied on by a number of songs here, as "Black Circle (S.Y.L.S)" also has a brilliantly catchy, galloping riff in the midsection.
"Where Evil Dwells" is a 10 minute epic chain of riffs and drumming, with the vocals becoming strangely demonic about seven minutes in for a welcome change of scenery. The increased song length allows for a greater variety in the music, and I'm happy to report that the band make full use of it and go crazy with their creative side.
"Storm of Power" closes the album well, possibly being the fastest song of the release. It is also the shortest, clocking in at only just past three minutes. It's over before you know it, and is an interesting choice for a finishing song as many bands opt to wind down the listener with their slowest track. Perhaps it's an attempt to make them want to listen again, as for many it surely will. "Ranger" may be a young band, but they clearly have a lot to offer and I'm glad that my initial doubts were silenced.
8 / 10

"Where Evil Dwells" Track-listing:
1. Defcon 1
2. Deadly Feast
3. Phantom Soldier
4. Dead Zone
5. Black Circle (S.Y.L.S)
6. Where Evil Dwells
7. Storm of Power
Ranger Lineup:
Dimi Pontiac - Bass & Vocals
Miko - Drums
Mikael - Guitar
Ville - Guitar
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