Collectors Of The King


It's been six years since RAGNAROK released "Blackdoor Miracle". In a few days from the […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
April 14, 2010
Ragnarok - Collectors Of The King album cover

It's been six years since RAGNAROK released "Blackdoor Miracle". In a few days from the time I'm writing this review, their new album will come out. So with a new lineup since only Jontho remains from the older members, but with the same standards in their music, RAGNAROK are giving us another album full of darkness, blasphemy, putrescence and pure black Metal.

Thank Satan that Jontho and Jerv (ex-bass player) left their previous band THOTH back in 1994. The bad production of their first demo was the reason not to have good reviews, but things changed when they took part in a compilation CD for local bands in Sarpsborg and recorded a song called "Et Vinterland I Nord". From then on, the rest is written history: five full length albums that - if there were a black Metal school somewhere on this earth - should be part of the basic courses. The good thing is that the, many if I say, lineup changes didn't hold them back or make them release a mediocre CD. So with a new crew, consisting of two ex-CARPTICON members (Brigge and Decepticon) and HansFyrste (also vocalist of SVARTTJERN) they give a kick in the teeth.

As I mentioned before, anyone that is familial with their music knows that they never released a mediocre album, despite the lineup changes. They surely not try to reinvent the wheel, play something innovative or give happiness. But who cares about the ones that want something like this? As for the ones that are outside the Black Metal culture with the corpsepaint and spikes always seeming a bit childish, they can run away and listen to some Pop garbage. This album is for those that are faithful to the old Black Metal scene. Jontho seems to be behind every album and surely the brain behind the compositions that RAGNAROK make since, even with this new lineup, their music doesn't lack energy, ideas and passion. Forget any "happy" melodies from keyboards and the DIMMU BORGIR/CRADLE OF FILTH-like majestic atmosphere. Here the, in a sick and black way, beautiful and majestic melodies come from the very good work on the guitars and the old school way of playing. If you combine this with the fast drumming, with some mid tempo breaks and the vocals, you'll feel like you are being hit by a roadtrain (if you don't know what that is, try a search engine)! HansFyrste's voice reminds me of Pest or Attila at some points and the album as an attitude has something from bands that in our days are leaning more to the old school Black Metal, like MARDUK and BEHEMOTH. Finally, the production of "Collectors Of The King" is a good example of "how to play pure Black Metal without sounding like you recorded it in a cave with frying pans".

I can go on forever, but there is no point of doing so. This album is a must-have for Black Metal fans. Just listen to the self titled track, "May Madness Hunt You Down" or "In Honour of Satan" and you will agree with me. I sure hope that I will see them live soon.

8 / 10


"Collectors Of The King" Track-listing:
  1. Resurrection
  2. Stabbed By The Horns
  3. Burning The Earth
  4. In Honour Of Satan
  5. Collectors Of The King
  6. Eternal Damnation
  7. The Ancient Crown Of Glory
  8. May Madness Hunt You Down
  9. Wisdom Of Perfection
Ragnarok Lineup:

Jontho - Drums
Brigge - Guitars
Decepticon - Bass
HansFyrste - Vocals

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