
Quiet Confusion

QUIET CONFUSION is a Stoner/Psychedelic Rock band from Italy formed in 2009. As a throwback […]
By Kevin Lewis
September 5, 2022
Quiet Confusion - Magella album cover

QUIET CONFUSION is a Stoner/Psychedelic Rock band from Italy formed in 2009. As a throwback to a bygone era, this trio is bringing the past back with a modern twist while staying true to the jam band theory of the time. Their latest full-length album, "Magella" was released July 15th, 2022, via Go Down Records.

The record opens with a distorted, Psychedelic Rock anthem. "Long Wave" is less than three minutes but packs a lot into that time. Lots of bent notes on the guitar and what feels like a jam session for the rhythm section. The guitar solo has a similar tempo to the riff for the most part with a couple of faster licks added in for good measure.

Antonio Cortina adds some Funk vibes into the opening of "Plastic Man." The vocals are subdued, mixed into the track under the music rather than at the same level. Roberto Panarotto's bass line is also funk-infused, though it does go a bit heavier in some sections, making a pass at Hard Rock. There are major crossover feelings here. the tuning feels Stoner/Doom, though the beat feels Jazz/Funk.

"Wastin' Time" is more of a Hard Rock track. Giovanni Franceschini's drumming is closer to Alternative/Progressive on this track, ranging through those genres with ease. His runs and fills stand out on this song for some reason, though I can't really say why. Maybe I just notice them because of the way they fit into the overall rhythm.

For more on the old school vibes, check out "Sweet Noise." This one has an extended high-hat roll for the intro, then goes straight Funk for the main body of the song. The bass does a number of up and down runs, and the guitars use a ton of bent notes to give the track an ethereal feel to match the quiet vocals. The distortions on the guitar sound almost like a theremin, which is often used to simulate extra-terrestrial sounds.

The album concludes with "JJ," a six and half minute song that fades in slowly, builds slower, then has an even slower fade out. There are no lyrics to this one, just a jam session, featuring wild guitar tones, lots of bent notes, tons of ambiance, and drum/bass lines that range from Jazzy to Funky to Doom/Sludge tones.

QUIET CONFUSION is heavily influenced by 70s Proto and Alt Rock styles along with a myriad of other styles. They have the Jam band features of THE GRATEFUL DEAD and PHISH. There end up being some minor elements of Progressive Rock added in thanks to all the shifting and twisting through the compositions. This could have fit in well at the original Woodstock.

8 / 10









"Magella" Track-listing:

1. Long Wave
2. Plastic Man
3. Lady in Blue
4. Wastin' Time
5. Sweet Noise
6. Behind the Sun
7. Droppers
8. J.J.

Quiet Confusion Lineup:

Antonio Cortina - Vocals/Guitars
Roberto Panarotto - Bass
Giovanni Franceschini - Drums

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