Desire For Torment


Deep in sick human minds, where the sexual perversion, humiliation and by-pain-finding sexual satisfaction is, […]
By Yiannis Doukas
April 10, 2008
Pyorrhoea - Desire For Torment album cover

Deep in sick human minds, where the sexual perversion, humiliation and by-pain-finding sexual satisfaction is, you can find this Polish Death/Grind band exploring these dark realms. Taking their name by teeth sockets disease they play as brutal and sickening fast as they can.
PYORRHOEA was formed back in 2001 with intension to follow the violence of bands like CANNIBAL CORPSE and the whole brutal scene. Their first work was a promo CD released in 2002, containing three of the tracks that are in this album, Consume You, Hung On A Hook and Chainsaw Dance plus four other ones. After two years they unleashed the Desire For Torment debut full-length CD after signing deal with Empire Records. Some members changed, another album was recorded after two years - named The Eleventh: Thou Shalt Be My Slave - which was not so good as the previous one, and right now the only remaining members are Cyprian and A.D. Gore with Chryste in vocals, Lucas in guitars and Amon in skin pounding.
What we have here is a re-release of that first CD and, although it is a little difficult to pronounce the band's name, it's contrarily easy to see their influences starting by DEVOURMENT, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DISGORGE, old CARCASS (mostly in lyrical extremity aesthetics), VOMITORY's furious riffing, ROTTEN SOUND's and NASUM's grind-core, plus the chaos of NAPALM DEATH since the five seconds Bondage Punishment Torture is like You Suffer, etc. The drumming is unstoppable, full of blasts, some guttural vocals, riffs in a more modern mostly American Brutal scene and not so old-school grind, and a concept that in some songs is really extreme and insane. Some are real things from acts that had been done by deranged people in the past.
The songs are well played and there are some impressing parts; personally I liked a lot the ending of Slave that is really sick with a bass line melting my brain. The minus is that they are no efficient to give the something extra for this genre and, making me listening continually to their album. Without being something special, I guess this release goes only for dedicated and die-hard friends of this style of music.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Desire For Torment" Track-listing:

Excrements On Your Face
Masskill Symptom
Bondage Punishment Torture
Suicidal Masturbation
Anal Arousal
Addicted To Killing
Consume You
Desire For Torment
Chainsaw Dance
Hung On A Hook
Dead Orgy Scene

Pyorrhoea Lineup:

Cyprian - Bass
Analripper - Throat
Andy Blakk - Guitars
A.D. Gore - Guitars
Daray - Drums

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