

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: PSY:CODE; signed unknowingly or independent, […]
By Craig Rider
January 30, 2022
Psy:Code - Psvcode album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: PSY:CODE; signed unknowingly or independent, hailing from Danish grounds - performing Industrial Metal, on their 5th album entitled: "Psvcode" (released December 11th, 2021). Since formation in 2005; the quintet in question have an EP entitled: "Discarded Materials" (released in 2005), and 4 Full-length albums in their discography so far entitled: "Delusion" (released in 2010), "Cause And Neglect" (released in 2013), "Morke" (released in 2017) among this here album that I am introduced to entitled: "Psvcode". 10 tracks ranging at around 41:39; PSY:CODE arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Industrial Metal developments.

Opening up with this spectral but contorted hazel; a ambience of majestic proportions distills a mystifying slab of solid trembles within "Unrestrained", rampantly rompy rifts manifested with trailblazing melancholy. Harmonic heft belts a clobbering chisel amongst a distorted but boisterously bouncy symbiosis on synthetic mobility, where DJent-esque rhythms piledrive with snarly scours & weighty jumpiness while this sublime overture of oppressive melody unearths this mountainous maelstrom of progressive virtuosity. "Extraction" continues to trample with more bulldozing hooks, executing an extreme aesthetic in shouty yells from consisting vocalist Schou who bellows into a guttural mass of raspy pipes on throaty roars that growl distinctively with uproarious tightness & towering grit. Intertwining these systematic cords as well which chime elegantly in the mix of the gnarly gravitation that's persisted here.

"Brumation" excels with wondrous yet desolate crunchiness, grinding along with slaying laceration and killer remedy which perseveres with profusely robust technicality & progressively sulfurous substance while rambunctiously throttling thunderously meaty vehemence which utilizes versatile stridency - experimenting a hybrid calamity on solitude, abstract deadliness and gloomy firepower expertise which rollicks with seamless overdoses of organic substance with twinning guitar duo Tommy & SteiN. Revolving through resilient yet volatile momentum, "Varies" showcases slow pace nimbleness that chugs and frolics with quintessential aptitude. Striking pursuits inject an infectiously venomous zeal on polyrhythms that solar this polarizing synergy from battering drummer Gøtsche & rattling thumper Dag, both pummel their instruments immensely as intense rumbles punch with reverberating malice while concrete electronica merges this distinguished element in a borderline foundation of grumbling complexities, impressively fusing vibrantly potent yet archaically artificial semblances of vigorous atmosphere.

"Levitation" revels with more riveting implementations in industrial bombardments. As backing cords chime with upbeat while rough tremors of exquisite cleanness of emotional respite intrudes here and there, while razor-sharp piercings roll with murmuring tenors of perpetual snares... bombing blast beats briskly construct a chunky conundrum on other-wordly waves of penetrative bleakness. Attributing a dark but eerie stability throughout this apocalyptic forcefield of impact and wasteland mayhem, where "Disengage" marvels with more groovy bellows and cathartic psychedelia. With this unbound but heightened feeling of trepidation and intense altruism that leads towards this salubriously compact drumbeat of resonant sterility. "You Lead Me" surges with primitively raw tones that bulldoze into a barraged frenzy of thickness, forging an incredible thud of sturdy proportions that exhumes coherently with the seclusive yet remote imagination PSY:CODE delivers. However, still remaining briskly heavy that arms a brimming fabrication to want to break chairs over other chairs in no time flat.

"Let's Bring Out The Madness" does just that, bombarding eardrums with solid mellow & mellifluous euphonics, as depth confinement drills a daunting but razing vivacity that supplies wrathful instrumental complexity among a charismatic characteristic on ominous yet silver-lining fundamentals, flexibly crafts an aggressive embrace that symbolizes with massive breakdowns and bludgeoning but effervescent buoyancy. The penultimate banger "Disconnect To Reconnect" rigorously swerves with tuneful steadiness, which overall concludes "Psvcode" with the isolating grandeur that's "Under Water". Bottom line; PSY:CODE certainly outdone themselves with meticulous variety, offering a diligently detailed experience which most surely deserves a spin or two. An enjoyable entertaining discovery that should you fancy a fascinating listen and come across this one, "Psvcode" is definitely a record worthy of checking.

8 / 10









"Psvcode" Track-listing:

1. Unrestrained
2. Extraction
3. Brumation
4. Varies
5. Levitation
6. Disengage
7. You Lead Me
8. Let's Bring Out the Madness
9. Disconnect To Reconnect
10. Under Water

Psy:Code Lineup:

Schou - Vocals
Jezpr - Guitars
SteiN - Guitars
Dag - Bass
Gøtsche - Drums

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