
Primal Waters

"Hailing from Nebraska, USA, the band PRIMAL WATERS have arrived on the scene with their […]
By Ray "Metal Eternity" Burrows
April 24, 2014
Primal Waters - Dichotomy album cover

"Hailing from Nebraska, USA, the band PRIMAL WATERS have arrived on the scene with their debut album "Dichotomy" is a band that claims to be born from ancient times, (a band capable of beheading mythical beasts with their massive blades of steel)! Primal Waters is a force to be reckoned with, and they do not disappoint when it comes to their unique style of music, a cross between the traditional Death Metal styles mixed with the classic sounds typical to that of Slayer, Megadeth, and also with a little Iron Maiden thrown in for good measure!

The albums overall sound itself is infused with quality, clean sounding riffs blended with some fast paced Thrash. If you are into the next generation of Death/Thrash Metal with some new and unique elements of fast paced quality sounds then you will definitely be into "Primal Waters"! I would like to highlight one track from the new album that stands out on its own, this song does not feel completely true to the Death Metal style, it is a very unique song, the song is called "Then And Now", it starts out a bit slow, and then "Bam", it sounds like Dave Mustaine decided to sign a contract with Iron Maiden on this one, it is a killer tune reminiscent of Heavy Metal times long past! PRIMAL WATERS is a band that gives a refreshing new take on the new Metal scene, keep your ears open for these guys.

 I fully recommend their new album, an album that you can be proud to recommend to your Metal loving friends and family!


8 / 10


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"Dichotomy" Track-listing:

1. Origins
2. Then And Now
3. After The Storm
4. Eyes Of The Healer
5. Beast Slayer
6. Living Shadow
7. Solitary Wandering
8. Lone Warrior
9. Dichotomy
10. Frozen Flesh
11. Pulse

Primal Waters Lineup:

Chris Schoenberg- Guitar / Vocals
Dan Schoenberg- Guitar
Nick Dishman- Bass
Merritt Blackburn- Drums

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