The Reasoning

Prey For Nothing

PREY FOR NOTHING, the Israeli Progressive Melodic Death Metal band, have been my personal local […]
By Alex Kirmayer
December 17, 2014
Prey For Nothing - The Reasoning album cover

PREY FOR NOTHING, the Israeli Progressive Melodic Death Metal band, have been my personal local favorites ever since their debut album "Violence Divine" from 2008, and have not disappointed since. They can be described simply as a love child of SYMPHONY X and DEATH, taking the super melodic music of SYMPHONY X and putting it into an almost jazz pattern of the later DEATH albums.

After a 3 year wait since their last full length studio release "Against All Good & Evil", the monsters from PREY FOR NOTHING return, with a release more mature and not in the least bit less challenging both musically and lyrically in the form of "The Reasoning".

The opening/title track "The Reasoning" starts out with clean guitars that quickly turns to the familiar distortion sound that is by now the sound of PREY FOR NOTHING, with a great lead. The lyrics as always are deep, and not the usual repertoire of Death Metal bands, the chorus is with a clean backing vocal line wich is a new addition to the material that PFN produce. The riffs are as said above filled with melody and technique to the brim; great opener all in all, leaves you wanting more.

To "No Heir To The Throne" I can relate as a father, and as a man, is speaks of the fear of getting old, which is a fear that one-day or the other creeps into the mind of every man. The music here as well is very technical, and very melodic, one of the definite highlights of the album, which is filled with highlights.

The rest of the album, continues with the technicality of the beginning, sometimes even over such, which for me is an upside rather than a downside. The lyrics in the rest of the album range from personal lament to life and memories lost in a burning apartment ("Lost To The Flame") or the disappointment from the academic world in the country ("The Scale"), to generally "unpopular" themes, such as dealing with agoraphobia ("Shrouded Heaven").

To sum things up, the album stretches the limits. They continue to write about unpopular themes, and they're doing it good, complete with just about perfect music, a great follow up to their previous albums. In my opinion, the best album of the past year, sharing the first place with AT THE GATES' release. Perfect.<

10 / 10


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"The Reasoning" Track-listing:

1. The Reasoning
2. No Heir To The Throne
3. The Devil's Words (From The Angel's Mouth)
4. Lost To The Flame
5. The Chemical Crusaders
6. The Scale
7. Wolves In Wolves' Clothing
8. Sacred Evolution
9. Faith In Humanity - Destroyed
10. Shrouded Heaven (ft. Fabio Leone)
11. Mentally Blind (Death cover)

Prey For Nothing Lineup:

Yotam "Defiler" Avni - Vocals
Yaniv Aboudy - Guitars
Amir Salomon - Bass
Iftah Levy - Drums

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