Praise the Plague

I wasn't able to find much information at all about this band, save for the lineup and year formed, which was 2017. This German Black Metal quintet is releasing their debut album here, which contains six tracks. At only 28 minutes, it's more of an EP, but that is neither here nor there. Let's get down to the music.
"Inferno (Prelude)" gets things started, with ominous piano notes and swirls of something in the background that warn you of things to come. The main riff then slams in, slow and lumbering, while the vocals scream at you. "Anatomy of Possession" is a powerful number, rendering in the Doom category somewhat. The riffs are dark and cold, and absolutely punishing, while the vocals rage continuously. "Blackening Swarm" opens with a simple but effective riff, detailing a harrowing story with thunderous riffs and vocals that seem to lift off the page and get right into your face. A clean guitar passage provides a change of pace, but it doesn't last long.
"Minatory Aeons" opens with a low and sluggish riff, barely reaching above the cold ground it comes from. It settles into a crawling groove, with agonizing screams. "Darkest of Seas" opens with what sounds like a Kraken awakening from his sleeping slumber. He starts to stir in the deepest of oceans, as the village people scatter like leaves in the wind. He arrives and selects his sacrifice, laying waste to everyone else around him. People scream in horror, but their screams are lost in the tidal waves of his coming. "Antagonist" is the closing song. As if the Doom could not be dialed up high enough, this one is laggard and entrancing. Each strike of the drums can be heard for miles, and felt inside your soul. It ends in a clean guitar passage, wiping away the blood that was spilled but leaving the door open for a next time
Overall, I enjoyed PRAISE THE PLAGUE's brand of Blackened Doom Metal. It isn't anything unusual, and I think with more time together the band can really dig into their personality and emotions and make something truly unique. For now, "Antagonist" was a good first attempt.
7 / 10

"Antagonist" Track-listing:
1. Inferno (Prelude)
2. Anatomy of Possession
3. Blackening Swarm
4. Minatory Aeons
5. Darkest of Seas
6. Antagonist
Praise the Plague Lineup:
Robert - Vocals
Marcel - Guitar
Jan - Guitar
Benni - Bass
Sascha - Drums
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