Profound Evil Presence

Power from Hell

Brazil is one of those countries that has never ceased to amaze me.  There, you'll […]
By Jorge Zamudio
August 22, 2019
Power from Hell - Profound Evil Presence album cover

Brazil is one of those countries that has never ceased to amaze me.  There, you'll find some very good bands that you'll probably never even hear about. Lucky for me, I was the one chosen to review POWER FROM HELL and their latest release, "Profound Evil Presence". I'm glad that I was the one chosen, because I've really found an amazing album that is worth worldwide renown. Don't get me wrong, they're not going to be the band of the era or something like that, but I don't think that's what the're trying to do.  What they are doing, is performing really good Blackened metal that anyone who loves this kind of music, will really enjoy listening too.

I'm not going to do a track-by-track review here. Here's the deal, you could randomly pick a track, push play because you can press play and you'd find find that this album is a constant effort of fastness. Pretty fascinating are the vocals on each track. Almost strange, but perfectly unique vocals that are not the classic harsh. They probably remind me a little of INQUISITION, where an entity takes possession of this voice and talks straight forward and very clearly. You just can't find that in many back metal voices.

Along with the vocals, I also really love these clean guitars in each track. The bass lines are very strong, and the changes of rhythms that happens with drums do, are something that you'll love from the very start. Distracted by by those details and unable to differentiate between the parts of the whole, and I'm thinking that this was their intention. They're making me think that  they wanted to make an epic release, musically speaking.

This album is carefully done, with many details that you'll have to find for yourself. There's some 80´s moments, and plenty of other reasons to listen too. This is one of those albums that could easily pass you buy if you weren't paying attention. So consider yourself fortunate if you're reading this. Now you can check them out and I think that once you do, you'll understand why bands like this are keeping the flame alive. Bands need to be very strong and bold to defy the standards. And hey, even if you disagree with my psychology, I still think you'll like this album.


8 / 10









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"Profound Evil Presence" Track-listing:

01 Nightmare
02 When Night Falls
03 False Puritan Philosophies
04 Lust...Sacrilege & Blood
05 Nocturnal Desire
06 Unholy Dimension
07 Lucy's Curse
08 Diabolical Witchcraft
09 Into the Sabbath
10 Elizabeth Needs Blood
11 Demons of the Night

Power from Hell Lineup:

Sodomic - Vocals, Guitars
Tormentor - Bass
T. Splatter - Drums

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