Old Dogs New Tricks
October 18, 2009

Is every picture telling a story? If yes, what's the story behind PICTURE, the (maybe) finest traditional Metal export The Netherlands ever delivered to the Metal world? Sadly, the Dutch masters - even if, OK, they did achieve enough recognition in their 80s heyday - rarely had their name referred as a 'must listen to' b®and for the new generations hooked on the magic of so many other fine classic bands of the glorious Metal past. Hence, I do not know how many chances are for the story behind all things PICTURE to be clarified with the release of...
...a new studio album after 22 whole years, called Old Dogs New Tricks. A smart title, isn't it? Not counting last year's Live 2008 live anthology, last time we heard studio songs from this blessed quintet was in 1987 and Marathon (maybe their - commercially - weakest moment, still a good album but in a more 'mainstream' direction). Formed in 1979, PICTURE's recent reunion - resulting in a good string of gig dates around Europe, all hailed with great enthusiasm by traditional Metal aficionados - also (seems to have) marked a clear will to return to the studio for some new songs. With a lineup comprising three original members (Vreugdenhil, Bakker, Bechtum) plus Lovell (joined in 1983) and Van Enkhuizen (joined in 1985), the band widely know for some colossal songs like Heavy Metal Ears and Eternal Dark brings a new collection of songs. What about them, really?
Having clear memories from a couple of new songs in their set at this year's Keep It True festival in Germany (read report here - probably the best performance off the whole billing, in my rotten opinion), I was expecting a good 'all-around history' album from PICTURE even nearly a quarter of a century later, haha! And what is widely spreading from 2009's Old Dogs New Tricks CD is the plain spirit of a band neatly wanting to spread some good PICTURE music out. Being the members' nostalgia or the classic Metal revival's energy, the motive for this collection of songs does its best in order to feed fans of this band/style with some lovely music. I really have to briefly present the band's style as a whole and in limited key words, since most readers are (nowadays) possibly unfamiliar with PICTURE's sound. So, the production is based 80% in the early 80s Metal forms, with slight more recent Heavy/Power Metal marks. Along with the music and Lovell's voice, imagine a music style not owing (again said; PICTURE was contemporaries to the bands referred below) but related to the styles of SAXON, MOTORHEAD, DEMON, DIO and JUDAS PRIEST. Really need to add something more? Nah...
If you don't like teaching old dogs new tricks that much, PICTURE's new album - and really hope it won't be their last - fits the scenario. There are ruthless moments, vintage takes, mild flashes and rockin' blazes. Spread your wings and fly away with Old Dogs New Tricks while wondering where all emotion has gone in Metal music's vast majority of releases the last years.
8 / 10
"Old Dogs New Tricks" Track-listing:
Old Dogs New Tricks
Blood Out Of A Stone
High On Fire
Live By The Sword
Now It's Too Late
Just Incredible
Who Can You Trust
Opposites Attract
Choosing Your Sign
A Better Soul
Celtic Cross
Never In A Million Years
Picture Lineup:
Pete Lovell - Vocals
Rinus Vreugdenhil - Bass
Laurens Bakker - Drums
Jan Bechtum - Guitars
Rob Van Enkhuizen - Guitars
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