

When one thinks of Lithuania, you don't necessarily think of Thrash Metal... nevermind female fronted […]
By Laura Cosheril
February 17, 2016
Phrenetix - Fear album cover

When one thinks of Lithuania, you don't necessarily think of Thrash Metal... nevermind female fronted Thrash Metal. Well, let me introduce to you, PHRENETIX, a female-fronted Thrash Metal band from Lithuania. Formed only back in 2011, this is the bands first full-length release since their 2013 "Demo".

Now, I must admit, going into this I was a little sceptical. For me, what makes Thrash Metal is the harsh male vocals; I was sceptical, yet curious, about how it would sound with a female. Within the first thirty seconds, my scepticism was blown out of the water. Lina does a phenomenal job of the vocals; they're harsh, brutal and in-your-face, and she plays guitar at the same time, female multitasking at its finest! The band have a slight ANTHRAX and MUNICIPAL WASTE sound to them. The guitar work is next to none; they have the typical Thrash Metal galloping with a shit ton of power and attitude.

The track "Unconscious Game" is my absolute favourite. It begins with a neat little bass solo, quickly morphing into a guitar solo. The vocals, as usual, are absolutely brutal and really pull everything together. The riff is infectious, the drums are barrelling, the bass is on point, there is no flaw in this track, and dare I say, this album.

If I had not known who I was listening to when I first played this album, it would be an easy mistake to make by assuming that they were a well-established world touring Thrash band (which they should be!). I am in absolute awe of this band and this album; everything works together and throughout the whole album I didn't find one part where I thought "that could do with a bit of work", it is pure perfection. This is my by far, the best album I have heard this year yet. If you need a soundtrack into battle or even just some drinking music, I urge you to pick up this album. You will not be disappointed.<

10 / 10


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"Fear" Track-listing:

1. Ruined By Ambision
2. Time To Act
3. Posera
4. Piece Of Lie
5. Unconscious Game
6. Fear
7. Muddy Tale
8. Art Of Jail

Phrenetix Lineup:

Lina - Guitar, Vocals
Paulius - Guitar
Jonas - Drums
Daumantas - Bass

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