The Reaper's Forge


PHANTASMAL is an American band formed in 2012 and at this stage only two members […]
By Paulomaniaco
February 18, 2015
Phantasmal - The Reaper's Forge album cover

PHANTASMAL is an American band formed in 2012 and at this stage only two members are part of it and the style of music is Black Thrash, aggressive, fast and evil, cool stuff indeed and right now what they have to offer us is a demo with three songs on a cassette format; old school to the core.

First track "The Reaper's Forge" shows what the band are about, catchy and fast riffs, aggressive vocals and excellent blast beats, "The Eternal Campaign" delivers more hate and the onslaught goes on, with influences of SODOM, DESTRUCTION, WITCHERY, AURA NOIR and the result is an awesome Demo, great solos, sharp guitars and total mayhem, "Queen Nightshade" ends this amazing debut with more mayhem, despite not being signed by anyone as yet the production is very good, it is raw and very underground with clean sounds, I can spot a good band with a bright future just like that and PHANTASMAL is one of those bands, very catching and full of energy, also cool lyrics and good approach, I like it a lot; the art cover art is very cool, done by Seth Bennett; what a cool way to go, I am sure when PHANTASMAL releases a full album it is going to be killer and hopefully live performances will be on the list too.

10 / 10


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"The Reaper's Forge" Track-listing:

1. The Reaper's Forge
2. The Eternal Campaign
3. Queen Nightshade

Phantasmal Lineup:

Wraith - Drums, Guitars
Psychopomp - Vocals, Bass

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