March To War


To a "March To War" against us all the Westphalian Black Metal trio PESTLEGION pledge […]
By Kostas Kiriakis
April 6, 2014
Pestlegion - March To War album cover

To a "March To War" against us all the Westphalian Black Metal trio PESTLEGION pledge themselves to through their first release. I've been around the gates of Hell for quite some time, and to be honest, I've heard similar oaths many times over in the past, only to turn out hollow. So what do we have here?

Fortunately PESTLEGION do exactly what they usually promise. Satanic Black Metal blasts my face from the very beginning, the old school way. Just as I like it, all the elements are here. Hellish vocals spreading discord and mayhem, tremolo guitar riffing, thunderous bass, double bass drum and blast beats the black way. To top all this, the Germans are really tight in their performance. Plus the production, while not stellar, is great. You can hear everything going on, without taking away the necessary grit. "March To War" indeed.

The only flaws if you will, I feel they have much more than this in terms of songwriting, and the March is rather short, running barely under 15 minutes... Given they formed two years ago and this is their first release, I expect great things from them.

Innovative? Not likely. But still, are you looking for a kind of innovation, or mainly plain and simple old school Black Metal destruction?

7 / 10


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"March To War" Track-listing:

1. Born of Darkness
2. Nightshade
3. The Arrival
4. March To War

Pestlegion Lineup:

B - Vocals, Bass
C - Guitars
T - Drums

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