Exponential Decay

Perilaxe Occlusion

Canada's PERILAXE OCCLUSION have come forth from the infinite matrix of darkness to deliver intense […]
By Ricardo "Lebzul" Brenes
January 4, 2021
Perilaxe Occlusion - Exponential Decay album cover

Canada's PERILAXE OCCLUSION have come forth from the infinite matrix of darkness to deliver intense sonar death codification to burn your ears with "Exponential Decay", their brutal demo release (2020), now available as an EP on CD through the Mexican label Chaos Records.

Although there is some information available about who are some of the members of the band, they remain, mainly anonymous. The 3D modelling, image rendering and technology related subjects entwine with death in their lyrical approach, making it something different, yet not particularly easy to digest by those looking for the usual guts and gore infested subjects most traditional death metal bands would go for, yet, it allows the listener to travel beyond the usual into the matrix of death.

The opening track: "Death Bias Alpha" packs a punch from the start. When you hear the sound of the first riff you know you are about to get a high dose of brutality. I particularly enjoy their tone; it sounds absolutely underground as it should. The track starts rather slow like an intro that keeps getting heavier, just to burst into full speed and the dropping into some bad-ass breakdowns. The vocals sound massive, got a feeling of early KEVORKIAN to it.

Next comes "Skeletal Bifurcation", once again, packed with great riffing, tempo changes and pounding drums. I like the production of this demo; it sounds pretty compact. On this song is where I could notice some similarities with TOMB MOLD, as it is often mentioned as a reference to their sound, yet, to me, there is a more direct approach to being brutal in the Ontario trio, as in the most recent TOMB MOLD releases I feel an inclination towards more technicality; what makes them a point of reference in my opinion is how massive their overall sound is.

Quite mysterious at start, "Rigid Body Displacement" feels as eerie as if it were funeral doom we were dealing with. The song blasts into speed and you get crushed by the raw power of death metal, the brutal way. This could possibly be the most intense yet most straight lined song in the release, make sure you don't break your neck while headbanging to it.

With all the 3D modelling, computer sciences, rendering techniques and mathematical information embedded into the band's main conceptual focus, you would likely expect to find extremely technical death metal, you could even think of progressive or industrial elements. But you'd be wrong. This is pure, evil death metal, heavily influenced by the old school, at moments it bursts into the modern technicality without going too deep as to lose the integrity of their pure death sound.

This is a solid release and one great step out of the dark and into the path to death metal greatness for PERILAXE OCCLUSION. A solid choice for Chaos Records.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








"Exponential Decay" Track-listing:

1. Death Bias Alpha
2. Skeletal Bifurcation
3. Rigid Body Displacement

Perilaxe Occlusion Lineup:

XT - Guitar, Bass
Ti - Vocals
XE - Drums

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