Mankind = The Virus


I kinda remember this band from Belgium. PATRIARCH did release their debut album in 1990 […]
By Grigoris Chronis
October 19, 2008
Patriarch - Mankind = The Virus album cover

I kinda remember this band from Belgium. PATRIARCH did release their debut album in 1990 or 1991, in an era when there were milestone changes to come in the Metal music business. Cannot recall right now what Prophecy was about, but I have a pale idea that they did record another CD a couple of years after, too. Anyway, that's stuff anyone can find on the Net (as I did, eventually).
Case is: this band is back in action with a 2008 self-financed CD entitled Mankind = The Virus.'s a 'modern' enough title in my mind. And - truth is - PATRIARCH plays in a 'nowadays Metal' way. They have this NEVERMORE 'dark' blend, with enough of PANTERA's grooves and a background filter of low-tuned guitars. Also, many moments may bring CORONER or (sound-wise) 'new' VENOM or even BLACK LABEL SOCIETY to mind.
The guitars work is immense, with tons of riffing, great leads, enough power and hostile attitude. The same goes for the rhythm section (bass/drums), being occupied with both simple and complex tempos, featuring an in-your-face outlook. The vocals are high enough in the mix (good job down in the production, by the way). Lietaert did initially remind me of a mix of Phil Anselmo (not that powerful, though) and Blaze Bailey. He could take it even louder, I think, but he considerably fits well for the task.
Unfortunately, the album does not offer something worth staying in mind for a long time, since there's enough lack of identity in Mankind = The Virus. Dark and aggressive up-to-date Metal that fans of NEVERMORE or - in a less extent - 'moody' European Metal fans of bands like e.g. MORGANA LEFAY may admire. Still, with a CD length not adequate for this kind of music, I do not know how many fans will stay loyal after one hour of PATRIARCH music (average song duration: six minutes).

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Mankind = The Virus" Track-listing:

The Visitors
Mankind - The Virus
How Far
Drowning In Madness
No=One Wins
Broken White
Rise Of A Nation

Patriarch Lineup:

Ortwin Lietaert - Vocals
Ronny Cle - Guitar
Kris De Bie - Drums
Tweeva - Bass
Fred Mylemans - Guitar

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