Accustomed To Illusion (Reissue)


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: PARRICIDE; signed via Awakening Records, […]
By Craig Rider
January 27, 2021
Parricide - Accustomed To Illusion (Reissue) album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: PARRICIDE; signed via Awakening Records, hailing from Polish grounds - performing Death Metal/Grindcore, on their sophomore album entitled: "Accustomed To Illusion" (released December 12th, 2020). Since formation in 1990; the quartet in question have 4 Demos, 6 Splits, 2 Compilations and 8 Full-Length Albums in their discography so far. I am introduced to their second release entitled: "Accustomed To Illusion". 15 tracks ranging at around 01:04:09; PARRICIDE arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Death Metal developments.

Opening up with this savagely sinister deadliness; a blistering barrage in frenzied adrenaline overtakes speakers, and a distorted noise terror unleashes this overdose on sonically seamless rompiness with immediate impact. "Nonsense's Real" belts a bruising calamity in primitively raw yet trailblazing thunder, stampeding with unrelenting technicalities on rampant meatiness. This monstrous laceration kills it with slaying momentum while rollicking with a borderline foundation on weighty tightness that revels with riveting ramifications which steamrolls with gnarly experimentation and hybrid hostility. Ruthlessly pile-driving with pandemonic shreds while these meticulous grooves chug a frolicking element in which slam with persevering malevolence that possesses you to break chairs over other chairs. Chunky yet volatile maelstrom punishments utilizes this wildly rushing synergy of quintessential virtuosity, and brutal malice that will turn you into an evil empowered madman in no time.

Consisting of Młody on bass/vocals, the front man excels at a chiselling armament on some thumpy bass audibilities; injecting an infectiously venomous swamp on scattering drives in which trigger with profusely robust systematics. Vocals roar with raspy throatiness, deep guttural growls grunt with no remorse while yelling with shouty authority. "Bodiless Concealed'' begins intruding with this distinguished drum hammering from Racha; an organic reverberation notably rumbles with bombarding bangs...forging a crunchy distinctive in sulphurous yet ominous progression, arming a brimming attribute in bludgeoning eardrums into a grinding fabrication where vehement pounds & razor-sharp mayhem drills a surging persistence on exhilarating chaos in which skyrockets with punchy substance.

"Cobweb On The Soul" creates a dexterously dynamic stomp of rambunctious pummellings that bombastically chop with this meticulous tempo that showcases this rampaging quake of outrè panache, and a immersively immense slab of solid guitar hooks from twinning shredders: Piotr Sabarański who riffs with Albert "Alek" Kraczkowski. Both chug an incredible maelstrom of soaring manifestations that furiously frets with relentless skill, tempestuously striking prodigiously sonic retribution that will rattle skulls mightily & while rhythmically engaging a flexible fundamental on pursuing this sturdy tribulation on snappy firepower expertise. "Endless Frustration" thuds with vibrantly quirky stability, bulldozing a berserking finesse that pursuits with this jarring sound production that demonstrates beefy crustiness, rough-shodding remedies shroud over with the cavernous but clattering batterings induce a barbaric and high-octane rage of uproarious systematics, which scour with fiendish flamboyance.

"Seclusion" echoes into a gravitational leap towards this oozing profanity that supplies a complexly crafted amount of outrageous havoc, everyone sweeps with strong gnarliness and while unearthing this salubrious mobility on vaporous combustion. Distilling a crushing collision on some steely precision, while voraciously rushing with rapidly swift nimbleness & unprecedented extremities in which will unleash an insane oppression within you in no time. "Fear" distributes a contorted but towering shadowing on concretely gritty anarchy, dark foreboding rifts shriek with breakneck contrasts, and a vicious smack on trembling vibrato patterns that marvel with pulverising efficaciousness. At times, the production sounds like it's about to cut off yet never slows on screaming guitars and murky whallops that oscillate with scorching crescendos in which repel with crazy but idiocentric domination.

The titular track frolics a brisk haste on more brutally berserking flows, as a grizzly bass flickers with this mass crunch in catchy chains of devilishly diligent detail. Constructive bestiality painstakes speakers with rigorous constancy, at times mixing up with this tough merger on resonant cohesion in which quivers with clobbering empowerments on unique devastations full force. "I Am Cursed" embellishes in eccentric yet methodical spectrums on thrashing lunacy, aggressive barks bellow with deep but intriguing tears on loud blitzkrieg. Bombing souls with unbridled upheaval while storming piercings attacks and ripping with screeching yells as everyone promptly plays with tormenting but clamouring howls of virtuose attrition.

"Controversial Views'' tyrannizes you with subjugating drum cymbal grumbles, continuously and consistently treading this scourge onto one with slaying rebellion. Gripping guitar hooks grapples you with cutting-edge hypnotism, boisterously bouncy and tumultuous revolution in heated blast-beats; erupting with voracious snarls that steam with monolithic tempos that outburst into a sweltering tonality of titanic proportions. "Dialogue Of The Thoughts" establishes crisp fury, resounding this wailing magnitude on trampled grooves in which mesmerizes you with melodiously tuneful tumult, smashing blows fists you with thwacking oomph while speedy velocities entices galloping virtuosity on quintessential yet volatile quakes. Prestigiously brimming a fierce boundary on quantum mechanics that morphs with streaking severity.

"Unexpected Emptiness" begins with this chainsaw like atmosphere, bringing back those remarkable drum bangs from "Bodiless Concealed" only transformed with twice as much muscle, and addictively unrestrained yet obstreperous rowdiness. These are otherworldly sensations that make this just a groundbreaking feat in rumbustious warfare calamities. Evolving with this disorderly fashion in rampageous wildfire, that will strife like a racing torpedo with no holds barred. "Behind The Scenes" keeps up with those oh so impressive drum beats, in which sounds like demo contraptions until more raiding assaults cannonades filthy but wrathful wickedness in radical yet riled with restless deathliness. Blustering audacity drills a droning crack in crushing chunks of relentless empowerments, hefty potency revolves with ponderous density and crisp zeal.

"Drown In Misery" continues plowing you with lofty significance, grappled into a rigid yet challenging intoxication in ambitious thoroughness that pleases my Death Metal needs with every listen. While the penultimate track "Mentally Insane" causes a ramming manifestation of mountainous impulse which will drive one to go completely berserk in the meantime. Where the overall concluding song "Pushed Aside" rattles your brains into a headbanging combustion in unquenchable yet unruly destruction, possessing you to motivate yourself with mandatory yet inhumane barbarity.

Bottom line; I enjoyed an adroitly coherent slab on some solidly fine Death Metal madness, resulting with skillful obstinacy & organic yet unparalleled assiduity in which surprised me tenfold. This sub-genre never usually lasts over an hour long, however it is certainly a discovery that most definitely deserved a re-release...more Death Metal for our collections are never left unchecked, PARRICIDE portrays a grandiose grandeur on re-playable value as "Accustomed To Illusion" delivered a brilliant offering that is indeed worthy of a few spins as your fix for Death Metal needs is certified here - check it out.

8 / 10









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"Accustomed To Illusion (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Nonsense's Real
2. Bodiless Concealed
3. Cobweb on the Soul
4. Endless Frustration
5. Seclusion
6. Fear
7. Accustomed to Illusion
8. I Am Cursed
9. Controversial Views
10. Dialogue of the Thoughts
11. Unexpected Emptiness
12. Behind the Scenes
13. Drown in Misery
14. Mentally Insane
15. Pushed Aside

Parricide Lineup:

Młody Bass/Vocals
Piotr Sabarański - Guitars
Albert "Alek" Kraczkowski - Guitars
Racha - Drums

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