
Paradise In Flames

PARADISE IN FLAMES not only broke the mold of convention, they also broke all of the plates in the cupboards and burned down the house. I feel like a took a ride through Hell on a motor vehicle that moves faster than the speed of sound. I was tossed and turned in every direction but somehow I made it through in the end. That is how carefully they crafted this album, each note in its perfect place, and the musicianship was outstanding.
August 2, 2024

From Bandcamp, “From the flames of ideas to extreme paradise. With the intention of challenging pre- established ideas, the band PARADISE IN FLAMES was formed in 2002 in the city of Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais, inspired by the good old Death/Black Metal forged in the fire of one of the most brutal scenes in the world.” Active now over two decades, this is the band’s fifth full-length album.” The album has eleven songs, and “Desolate World” opens the album with a brief introduction, leading to “Concerto No6. in C Minor, Cold Spring.” It’s like a full on symphony with orchestral elements, thick riffs, an expansive background, and vocals that vary from harsh to a clean gospel style. It’s like DIMMU BORGU but tighter and more sped up and more expansive.

“Black Wings” features piano and keyboards in the beginning followed quickly by deep guttural vocals. You have to listen quite hard in order to take in this sound, as there are many moving parts along the way, and the sound is so packed full, that releasing it might cause a tidal wave. “I Feel the Plague” has a slower opening that is weighted and somber. Some of the orchestral elements are still there but just dialed back a bit. As a listener, you can feel the sickness as it seeps deep into your bones. “The Cure” hear some nifty meter shifting and vocals that vary from Black Metal screams to Grindcore gutturals, as well as that female operatic voice once again.

“The Priest” has more of a subtle, mysterious sound. It blows up to a full on symphony of death if you will. You can feel the gutturals in your stomach like a gut punch by Mike Tyson. “Endless Night Battle” has a tender beginning but when the battle approaches, you feel like it will never end. Each time you feel you are making ground against your opponent, more come at you, until the final one is dead, and you collapse from exhaustion. “War Sonata” is a piano led number that explodes with the force of a bomb. The band can turn it on at moment’s notice, and dial it back with equal dexterity. The juxtaposition of the two vocal styles creates heavy burden for the listener and it’s laden with emotion.

“Angels & Devils” closes the album, and it’s like watching the prize fight between these two monstrous entities. Angel fire, followed by devil fire, and everything is ultimately destroyed in the epic battle, including the earth itself. PARADISE IN FLAMES not only broke the mold of convention, they also broke all of the plates in the cupboards and burned down the house. I feel like a took a ride through Hell on a motor vehicle that moves faster than the speed of sound. I was tossed and turned in every direction but somehow I made it through in the end. That is how carefully they crafted this album, each note in its perfect place, and the musicianship was outstanding.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Blindness" Track-listing:

1. Desolate World

2. Concerto No6. in C Minor, Cold Spring

3. Black Wings

4. Reasons not to Believe

5. I Feel the Plague

6. The Cure

7. The Priest

8. Endless Night Battle

9. War Sonata

10. Age of Death

11. Angels & Devils


Paradise In Flames Lineup:

A. Damien – Vocals, Guitars

R.Aender – Bass

Guilherme de Alvarenga – Keyboards

S.J Bernardo – Drums


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