Send Them All To Hell


A Teutonic Heavy Metal supergroup, is exactly as it sounds. Such a supergroup exists in […]
By Daniel Fox
November 8, 2014
Panzer - Send Them All To Hell album cover

A Teutonic Heavy Metal supergroup, is exactly as it sounds. Such a supergroup exists in the aptly-named battletank of a band, PANZER, formed of members of DESTRUCTION, ACCEPT, VICTORY and RUNNING WILD. "Send Them All To Hell" is the debut studio recording to scream the band out to the world, and it's definitely one of the heavier things you'll hear this year.

"Death Knell"; the first step on the traversal to Hell. A solid assault of heavy, up-beat and ultra-Euro riffs hammer out the way for the vocals which, admittedly, took me by surprise; reminiscent of both ACCEPT and OVERKILL; I'm very much getting an EDGUY "Hellfire Club" vibe from the riffs here. Holy shit; the power is unbelievable; if I wanted to create an album that told potential fans right from the outset that my band is here to slay, this is how it should sound. The band's namesake track is every bit as heavy as the dread machine itself; pummelling, rumbling mid-tempo cannonfire, blistering guitar licks aplenty. "Like a panzer!" will be resonating in one's head for a long, long time. "Freakshow" is sped up remarkably, pockmarked by brilliant, subtle drumming nuances; this track veers much closer towards the realms of Thrash, and is one of the more aggressive tracks on the album.

"Why" is a piece that totally floored me, for I did not at all expect it. Easily the slowest track on the record, it's also the longest, but the most foreboding and, daresay, theatrical. Hell, it's sheer menacing; I feel as if the band is looking at our own Hell on Earth, and poignantly asking, "why?" Why indeed. The band definitely pushed a few envelopes with this piece, as far as genres are concerned. "Bleed For Your Sins" has to be my favourite track on the album; definitely the fastest, the riff work evokes fond memories of MEGADETH's "Endgame". Because these riffs, dear friends, are phenomenal, and a fantastic way to close a fantastic album, with snarl upon solo upon vicious battery.

If hearing the words "German Heavy Metal supergroup" isn't enough to make you check out this album, then at least heed my testimony. I cannot think of any reason why one would be disappointed.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Send Them All To Hell" Track-listing:

1. Death Knell
2. Hail And Kill
3. Temple Of Doom
4. Panzer
5. Freakshow
6. Mr. Nobrain
7. Why
8. Virtual Collision
9. Roll The Dice
10. Bleed For Your Sins

Panzer Lineup:

Schmier - Vocals & Bass
Herman Frank - Guitars
Stefan Schwarzmann - Drums

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