April 25, 2011

The UK have given us some incredible metallic talent over the years, including the grandfathers of Metal (Judas Priest and Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden to name a few) and even some of my newer favourites as well (like GraVil) as well. I grew up on the NEW WAVE OF BRITISH HEAVY Metal movement and that was where my love of this music began, so I love all things British metal. Now the Brits have given us a doom metal tour-DE-force called Pantheist .
Dark and foreboding with a very dank atmosphere made in every note they make, Pantheist rumbles like a sauntering Brontosaurus that can crush anything living in front of them. Funeral or even Progressive Doom is an acquired taste, I admit... but when it is this good, metalheads seem to gravitate to it regardless. With some of the heaviest yet memorable riffs and the most bleak and haunting lyrics I have came across since Novembers Doom – this band shows just how dark metal can get.
Each song seems to blend into one another seamlessly, creating this pained melancholy that is a vortex into someones tortured mind. No one song is better than the other – making this album that is not a concept album, seem like it as it blends all of this into a tapestry of sorrow and doom haunted retrospective into a persons tortured thinking. It is powerful and scary to behold the stark beauty and painful repercussions of a mind that it troubled.
I found that Pantheist to be a band that is truly full of talent, a wall of power and also having that understanding of the complexity of human emotion unlike anyone I have listened to. I am now going to hunt down the other album of this band right now... I need to hear more from this band. Seriously this is one of my favourite albums at the moment.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"Pantheist" Track-listing:
- One of These Funerals
- Broken Statue
- The Storm
- Be Here
- 4:59
- Brighter Days
- Live Through Me
Pantheist Lineup:
Kostas - Keys, Vocals
Sterghios - Drums
Pepijn - Guitars
Aleksej - Bass
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