The Infernal Hierarchies, Penetrating The Threshold Of Night
May 8, 2014

PACT are from the USA, Pennsylvania to be exact. PACT are playing... yes you guess it, Black Metal. Dealing mainly with Occultism, Satanism, this is there second release after releasing "The Dragon Lineage of Satan" back in 2012. I have never heard "The Dragon Lineage of Satan" however it seems that according the chatter on the WWW, that it was a great album, and therefore there is lots of expectations from the new PACT release "The Infernal Hierarchies, Penetrating The Threshold Of Night".
So it's very easy to explain that PACT are a true black metal band, infusing all the Genre classic styles into one. The album is great. Great sound and riffing with classic black metal vocals and drums. "The Infernal Hierarchies, Penetrating The Threshold Of Night" doesn't not excel in any filed however The whole is greater than its parts and the album is great.
If you are into black metal you must have this album. If you never listened to black metal album you should try something less strong, else this a great addition to the black metal world and into the Metal Realm in general
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"The Infernal Hierarchies, Penetrating The Threshold Of Night" Track-listing:
1. The Hell of Supernal's
2. Baal-Zebub Lord of the Flies
3. The Great Serpent of Tehom
4. Firelord Andramelch
5. Pactmaker Lucifuge
6. Under the Eclipse of Tiphareth
7. The Witchmother of Shade's
8. Asmodeus Beast of Judgement
9. The Howling of Gamchicoth
Pact Lineup:
T - Drums
Wretch - Guitars
Hag - Vocals
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