

The highly mysterious Raw Black Metal band PA VESH EN comes from the country of […]
By Louise Brown
August 14, 2019
PA VESH EN - Pyrefication album cover

The highly mysterious Raw Black Metal band PA VESH EN comes from the country of Belarus. For a band which claims to have no current members it's managed to be quite active over past couple of years. To date it has a total of eight albums, including one split and a compilation. Today's review focuses on the band's latest  release, "Pyrefication," which came out earlier this year.

"...In The Ghostly Haze" sets things in motion. The track has a chaotic-sounding intro which brings to mind lost spirits in dark and forgotten places. Eerie guitar riffs combine with the samples of disembodied voices, creating a down-tempo sound that compels you to pay attention. The song is mournful as well as dark, which makes it quite good. "Wastelands Of Plague" begins with droning guitars which blend with heavy percussion and howling vocals as the track continues. The singing adds considerably to the odd and haunting quality of the backing music. My only point of contention is the way the whole composition sounds oddly muffled in places, almost as if the recording volume was set too low. I understand why excessive volume would've been a mistake. However, a bit more volume would've added a little extra boost to the song. All the same, the track is still quite interesting and will keep you engaged while you listen to it. "Call Of The Dead" has a better volume level, fortunately. It's grim as well as down-tempo with music that is stark and simple. Featuring wailing vocalizations and mournful backing music the song truly gives you the feeling that you're within the hallowed halls which belong to Death himself. The song would be a great selection to play on Halloween because it creates visions of the long-departed wandering among the living in a vain attempt to get their attention somehow. "A Cacophony Of Spiritual Transition" features samples of traditional throat singing within its intro, bringing to mind far-away places which are mysterious as well as forbidden. As the backing music begins a lovely combination of melancholy and deep despair is created. It's a subtle reminder about the stress that many people often feel whenever they are forced to contemplate death as well as their own inevitable demise.

"Grotesque Abomination" has an excellent chaotic tone that sounds nearly Punk Rock in nature. Unfortunately, the track is another apparent victim of excessively low recording volume, which takes away from the overall power of the song considerably. "Pyre Of The Forgotten" is the most interesting of the three remaining tracks on the album. The song is eerie, chaotic and intriguing. I really appreciate the abstract quality of the composition. The guitar riffs, in particular, really stand out with their loud and strident tones. There's also a bit of an underlying industrial influence that can be heard in places as you notice various aspects of the backing music.

I think "Pyrefication" is a solid album. It's not the most original, or the one the that will end up in everyone's album collections. But the songs on it are effectively written and performed, giving them a consistent quality that will appeal to those who enjoy instrumental tracks rather than "typical" songs. While it may not appeal to just anyone I believe people who enjoy metal music which creates a specific atmosphere will want to get their own copies of it.

7 / 10









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"Pyrefication" Track-listing:
  1. ...In The Ghostly Haze
    2) Wastelands Of Plague
    3) Call Of The Dead
    4) A Cacophony Of Spiritual Transition
    5) Grotesque Abomination
    6) With Splendor Of The Night
    7) Fog Of Death
    8) Pyre Of The Forgotten


PA VESH EN Lineup:


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