Chaos To The Realm
August 24, 2023

OWLBEAR is a typical NWOTHM band from Boston, Massachusetts. Their debut album "Chaos To The Realm" was originally released independently on August 4th 2023, now it has an official release by the Greek label Alone Records. The date on which this is due is October 23rd 2023. If you can't wait that long, it is available on the Bandcamp site. And trust me, you might not wish to wait so long. Yes, that is how good I feel that "Chaos To The Realm" actually is. This record label has had bands that used all cliches of mostly the eighties, but sometimes even the nineties, in their stable before (for instance STEEL SHOCK), and it becomes clear very early on that OWLBEAR are not afraid to do the same. The best thing about that is that everything sounds familiar, but they achieve that without blatantly copying anyone.
The fact of the matter is that the songs themselves are very good, but not that special. OWLBEAR knows how to write their songs, but they are even better at recording them. You just feel the love, dedication and attention to detail that the band have been able to attend to whilst putting the songs on tape in the studio. The guitars sound very much alike, but still are distinguishable separately, the drums and bass are laying down the kind of foundation you would expect with a NWOTHM band. On top of that the vocals are exactly what the music is asking for, precisely what these songs need. Accurate, well chosen, and in keeping with what "Chaos To The Realm" is asking for to become just that little special.
OWLBEAR turn out to be the perfect example of a band where the sum of the components is greater than every person/artist/instrumentalist/aspect on its own. Nobody in the band is better than the other, they all are able and willing and competent enough to complement each other seamlessly. That in itself is quite a feat as far as I'm concerned, especially on a debut album like "Chaos To The Realm", it definitely begs the question of how good this band already is, but even more, how good they might become. The biggest question I have right now is if they can emulate their recordings in a live setting, and when I will be able to see that happening for myself. I will eagerly be waiting.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Chaos To The Realm" Track-listing:
1 Fiend of Fire 3.51
2 Bastard Sons 5.13
3 The Night Below 3.41
4 Cult of the Hidden Serpent 4.26
5 Tyrant's Fall (The Death of the Sorcerer King) 5.14
6 Steel at my Side 4.41
7 Luz the Old 6.20
8 Voyage of the Wraith 4.15
9 Chaos to the Realm 4.01
10 Fall on your Blade 4.03
Owlbear Lineup:
Jeff Taft: guitars (Adamantis)
Leona Hayward: bass (Project: Roenwolfe and Skelator)
Katy Scary: vocals (Klaymore)
Estee Slaughter: drums
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