Obscurantism Apogee

Ossuary Anex

Hailing from Russia, OSSUARY ANEX make themselves known from the beginning as a band that […]
By Rob Stone
August 24, 2020
Ossuary Anex - Obscurantism Apogee album cover

Hailing from Russia, OSSUARY ANEX make themselves known from the beginning as a band that is clearly influenced by old school slamming death metal. This is a style they have utilized from the day they were first formed, in 2008, up to now. Over the years there have been several lineup changes which slowed the evolution of the band's sound. Now, with the release of their third full length album, "Obscurantism Apogee", the band wishes to revisit their early sound, while adding in the extra missing piece that wasn't quite there early on in their career.

The first track, "Contempt of God", has everything you expect in the genre and more. The riffing, the slamming rhythms, the growled vocals are brutal while remaining coherent. All of this added to the great production value makes this an album that any death metal fan would be excited to listen to. One slamming track to the next, we move onto "Firestorm". It picks up right where the previous track leaves off. Rather than desperately attempt to make every song heavier and more over the top, the band sticks to what they know and they do it very well. The drums are attacked with precision and the dynamics between sections create a great listening experience. Satisfying and unpredictable.

The title track, "Obscurantism Apogee", begins with a looming sense of dread. Dissonant chords and creeping tremolo picked riffs build up the intro of the song. Four to five-minute-long songs may seem out of place in a genre that is so full on, but the band manage to pace the songs well so as to not make the listener lose interest before the end. "Revelation" has an incredible intro riff. Tremolo picked guitars and punchy rhythms make the song heavy and memorable. The song transitions brilliantly between tempos and makes it feel natural. Certainly, an album highlight regarding every instrument.

As we reach the halfway mark of the album, there is a very brief and brooding break at the beginning of "Path to Golgotha". The band is very calculated in their approach, knowing when it is time to turn it up to eleven, and when to dial it back slightly, making that drop so much more effective. The song also features much slower palm muted sections that are very jarring in a good way. The rhythm is strange and unlike anything from the rest of the song which makes it stand out.

"We Are the Antichrist" solidifies the style of the band in this moment. While all the tracks have been enjoyable, it is not an experimental album attempting to cross genres. This is yet another track that is good slamming death metal. More intricate wording need not be used, because the fact of the matter is that the band are just good at writing death metal.

The remainder of the album is played out much the same way it has been up to this point. It would be repetitive to describe the final three tracks, although do not be fooled, this album is not repetitive. It is merely well rooted in the genre that the band has aimed for. The band makes sure that they are not a jack of all trades, they have taken the time to be proficient at this style, and if you're a fan of the genre, you will certainly enjoy them.

7 / 10









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"Obscurantism Apogee" Track-listing:

1. Contempt of God
2. Firestorm
3. Obscurantism Apogee
4. Revelation (Apocalypse Ioannis)
5. Path to Golgotha
6. We Are the Antichrist
7. According to Their Deeds
8. The Beyond-Man
9. The Great and Celestial Massacre

Ossuary Anex Lineup:

Aza - Bass
Sergey - Drums
Chiba - Guitars
Kirill Tur - Vocals
Max - Guitars

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