
From Bandcamp, "The sprawling, nightmarish EP from The North's Heaviest and the first new offering since 2021's "Loss" album. With some huge curveballs and deliberate side steps from their usual sound, OSIAH have created a stand-alone offering that truly showcases their musical depth and maturity." The EP has five songs.
"Memento Mori" is the first. The first few notes are heavy and the vocals vary from deep gutturals to over the top screams. It's fairly standard Deathcore. The obligatory breakdown is punishing, with staccato accents that shake the very ground. "Elder King" is faster, and as is typical in the genre, the music is packed so full, if you poke it, it will burst into fire. Again, the vocals are varied, which allows the music to breathe a little. The breakdown is brutal and dissonant, and the held vocal screams sound like someone vomiting their stomach out. "The Golden Throne" offers some harrowing melody in the opening sequence, and a little more of a straightforward sound. I have to say, Danny's drum beats are blasting but right on time. The leads also offer a bit of melody.
"Seeds of Despair" goes about as deep into the hole to Hell as one could go. Eerie notes ring in the background, and the riffs start and stop almost like a chainsaw revving up and then idling over and over again. "Hues Refract" closes the EP. A seven-minute Deathcore song? Let's see if we can get through it without bleeding to death from its sharp edges. There is a long lead-in with clean guitars, but that feeling of impending darkness coming is all too keen. The clean vocals are a bit of a surprise, and really help to round out the album with some diversity. The sounds that follow are both sad and angry at the same time.
Like a lot of specialized Metal subgenre, Deathcore can tend to be too one dimensional. But, on this EP, the band shows both their command of the traditional elements of the genre, and a good deal of their own personality at other times. If you are in the market for a beating, try this album on for size.
8 / 10
"Chronos" Track-listing:
1. Momento Mori
2. Elder King
3. The Golden Throne
4. Seeds of Despair
5. Hues Refract
Osiah Lineup:
Ricky Lee Roper - Guitars, Bass, Drum Programming, Vocals
Carl Dunn - Bass
Chris Keepin - Guitars
Andy Mallaby - Bass, Guitars
Danny Yates - Drums
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