Novus Lux Dominus


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ORTHODOXY; signed via The Sinister […]
By Craig Rider
October 24, 2019
Orthodoxy - Novus Lux Dominus album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ORTHODOXY; signed via The Sinister Flame, hailing from Spanish grounds - performing Death Metal, on their debut album entitled: "Novus Lux Dominus" (released October 31st, 2019).

Since their 1st Demo entitled: "Shaarimoth" (released September 15th, 2015); the quartet in question have this here debut album entitled: "Novus Lux Dominus" in their discography so far, of which I am introduced to. 9 tracks ranging at around 42:03 - ORTHODOXY arrange an intricately designed formula of heavy-hitting Death Metal developments. Beginning the record with the cryptic instrumental introduction "Evocating Darkness"; conveying orchestral yet tranquil soundscapes of ambient guitars, fading into a dark foreboding of blackened grinds in the next track: "Key To Victory". As aspected; gnarly harmonies of deadly brutality, amplified adrenaline & boistrously bouncy crunchiness - hastily demonstrate dauntingly haunting distortion, amalgamated into a barraged frenzy of fuzzy calamites & blasphemous foundations.

Consisting of NTN on all instruments; the frontman distributes a chunky flair of deep, guttural growls fuelled with raspy pipes & killer lungs that snarl with monstrously throaty meatiness. "Flame of Primordial Essence" creates grisly guitar hymns from Nosferatvm (also on bass) injecting infectiously audible flamboyancy; pulsating with thumpy pummelling, thunderous riffs and blistering yet sonically seamless rhythms rage with swampy vehemence while ultilizing uniquely versatile blends of blast beating finesse. The titular track manifests meticulous sludginess; revolved with rapidly swift nimbleness, organic substance & a solid ritual of momentously primitive rawness that quintessentially slams with virtuosic precision. Davy also on guitars fabricates creatively complex dexterity; dynamically hardened with tight melodies, venomous spits & nasty dissonance of bludgeoning deadliness.

"Eerie Presence" is a 1:35 interlude beginning into a layered formulaic of atmospheric chills until "Voluptuous Death" embodies groovy executions converging a filthily grimey aesthetic, culminating doomy cacaphony & distinguished demonizing of infernal hellfire. Contrasting immensely gritty shreds that roar with rambunctiously pulverizing drum hammering from Grond GH; battering with profusely robust speed, while thrashing with momentous quirkiness & snappy precision. "Abyss Of Abherration" subjugates more slower remedies; potently savage vibrancy, ruthless pandemonium & vicious slabs of explosive firepower that sulpherously blows into a gruesome scatter that smothers with stompy repugnance - salubriously supplying a discordant element, implementing borderline punchiness & smooth variations of unprecedented ultimatums.

"Acausal Emanation" is another short track; giving one a breather into a desparing landscape of melancholic oppression, until the overall concluding song: "Residues of an Obsolete Trance" embellishes on experimental enlightenments. Fulfilled with trailblazing hooks; engaging dimensions, hybrid hostility & enjoyably entertaining instrumentation - while riveting with malevolent musicianship. ORTHODOXY certainly excelled themselves with this one, an incredible debut that should be discovered by every metal maniac. "Novus Lux Dominus" showcased malicious Songwriting memorably original potential, talented sound production subtlties & heavy as hell Death Metal mayhem. The band chugged; galloped & delivered a fluidly polished yet neckbreaking experience in which was remarkably refreshing - worth the listen! 

8 / 10









"Novus Lux Dominus" Track-listing:

1. Evocative Darkness
2. Key to Victory
3. Flame of Primordial Essence
4. Novus Lux Dominus
5. Eerie Presence
6. Voluptuous Death
7. Abyss of Aberration
8. Acausal Emanation
9. Residues of an Obsolete Trance

Orthodoxy Lineup:

NTN - Everything
Nosferatvm - Bass/Guitars
Davy - Guitars
Grond GH - Drums

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