Ater Ignis


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ORTHODOXY; signed via The Sinister […]
By Craig Rider
October 25, 2022
Orthodoxy - Ater Ignis album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ORTHODOXY; signed via The Sinister Flames, hailing from Spanish grounds - performing Death Metal, on their sophomore full-length studio album entitled: "Ater Ignis" (released September 23rd, 2022). Since formation in 2015; the quartet in question only have a demo entitled: "Shaarimoth" (released September 15th, 2015), and 2 full-length studio albums in their discography so far entitled: "Novus Lux Dominus" (released October 31st, 2022), on top of this here second album entitled: "Ater Ignis" of which I'm introduced to. 7 tracks ranging around 44:35; ORTHODOXY arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Death Metal developments.

Opening up with this ominous yet jarring riff; this deathly but harmonious melody manifests into a rampantly rompy remedy of symbolic blasphemy and gnarly snarls of scouring yet slithering maliciousness, as "Enter The Netherworlds" attributes at a distorted but belting hymn in clobbering but grooving chimes like a creeping but cavernous sware of diabolical darkness in blackened mobility. Until "Into Primigenian Darkness I Dwell" bulldozes eardrums with reverberating rumbles that tremble with monstrously meaty volatility; ramified with sturdy thuds on punchy tightness, a doom-filled trepidation rifts with weighty pursuits on piledriving wrath from hammering drummer Grond GH who rambunctiously pounds the set with steely precision & slamming yet pulverizing strife. Nothing but a boisterously bouncy conundrum examines a concretely gritty slab of virulent machination, while tremoring with fierce firepower expertise and grumbling barrage frenzies in dense impact that unearths some repugnant thickness on filth-induced technicalities with profusely robust decimation.

"Victory Beyond Death" continues to provide this organically thundering substance on monolithic tempo & sonically seamless speed virtuosities; showcased with twinning strummers Davy & Nosferatvm who both inject an infectiously swift nimbleness on rapidly thumpy bass audibility amongst a dexterously dynamic heft in flamboyantly potent vibrancy that's morphed with performed tactics that slays with grinding assimilation on pandemonic ruthlessness that's most malignant. NTN performs on all instruments also it would seem; shredding with sulfurous solidities on slabby mayhem that venomously unleashes some progressive weaves for good measure. Salubriously pummeled with brisk aesthetics in hybrid but experimental force; "Banished From My Glance" also fabricates a mountainous synthetic on killer laceration stability that synergizes with momentous yet primitive rawness, where the vocals supply with raspy throatiness and guttural growls in grunty but bleeding execution - writhe would best describe ORTHODOXY at this point.

"Masked Beast" utilizes that sinister viscerality on menacing but baleful foreboding; until more bruising brutality crafts a relentless strike on swarming versatility on vehemently spectral daze, distilling an impulsing chug and galloping frolics - a sweltering seethe of motoring but distinctively distinguished headiness threatens speakers with gloomy but mendacious virtuosity of quintessential viciousness to boot. ORTHODOXY merges both death doom symbiosis with strong prodigiousness, where no variety diversifies itself much with this thrilling spectacle of nothing but flexible fundamental chills on radically wicked immensity. A contorted sludginess prolifically revolves around a crunchy calamity in evil empowering oppression, maniacally forging a vitriolic perseverance on persistent yet nasty thickness while vindictive yet noxious slime smolders through you with shivering remorselessness & rigorously vigorous severity, especially in the penultimate banger: "Where Shadows Move Unseen".

Overall concluding "Ater Ignis" with the finale epic basher of the titular track itself: "Ater Ignis (Covenant Of Death)"; more stompy mayhem chaotically descecrates souls with riveting ooze, which marvel through you with piercing revs & rotting but ghoulish presence. The bottom line here is that ORTHODOXY offer just that, perfect for Halloween festivities - this ritualistic but devastating deliverance in death doom raze portrays some sadistic songwriting musicianship qualities that's worthy of spinning while replaying a good few times. An enjoyably entertaining discovery awaits you, that's surely a barbarically good and bestial time - do check it out should you feel a breserking embrace in bulldozing but abhorrent inhumanity to overcome you.

8 / 10









"Ater Ignis" Track-listing:

1. Enter The Netherworlds
2. Into Primigenian Darkness I Dwell
3. Victory Beyond Death
4. Banished From My Glance
5. Masked Beast
6. Where Shadows Move Unseen
7. Ater Ignis (Covenant Of Death)

Orthodoxy Lineup:

NTN - All Instruments
Nosferatvm - Bass/Guitars
Davy - Guitars
Grond GH - Drums

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