Lost Isles

Ocean Ate Alaska

OCEAN ATE ALASKA is a British metalcore band that formed in 2011 in Birmingham. The […]
By Matan "Shouter" Yaniv
March 20, 2015
Ocean Ate Alaska - Lost Isles album cover

OCEAN ATE ALASKA is a British metalcore band that formed in 2011 in Birmingham. The band released 2 EPs in 2012 before they signed to Fearless Records in 2014. The band declares themselves as a more progressive kind of the metalcore genre.
As a person who known as a big fan of the British new wave of metalcore's bands, I choose to review the band's debut album that called "Lost Isles".

The album opens with "Blood Brothers", it's a very problematic song that I personally didn't liked. The main problem is that the band didn't keep the identity of this song for more than a few seconds. The song sounds like a combination of a lot of ideas, that could have been very good ideas, and not less an original full song.
If the band would give more room to one of the ideas, it's could been a good song.

"High Horse" is a better song, a lot heavier and a lot more fun. Still, the band kept on the identity of the song until the ending part that was very unnecessary.
"Vultures And Sharks" is the best song in the album, for my opinion. In the song there's- a great catchy chorus, a killing rhythm and all the elements of a hit. The song proves that the simplicity is sometimes much better than try to make the song to be more and more invested.

The band shows some really impressive performance in "Downsides". But once again, the band complicates their ideas with too much elements that prevent me as a listener to hear the identity of the song. Its feels too messy and with too much parts that could be good in one song. But another problem in the song is that the instruments and the singing got no connection and its feels like each one comes from a different song.

A song that I actually liked is "Floorboards". The song got some weaknesses like that once again the instruments and the singing got no connection, but still the writing in the song is so strong and the parts got an amazing power that makes the song sound very good.

In the bottom line, well the band can do some really great parts, they can create a really good power from their writing.
Still, the bands write mostly different parts that got no connection and fallen into one song.
For my opinion, the band is talented and they also want to invest a lot in the song, I think that this is what caused to the songs to sound like this.
Despite all this, I recommend to the big fans of the genre to follow this band.

6 / 10

Had Potential

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"Lost Isles" Track-listing:

1. Fourthirtytwo
2. Blood Brothers
3. High Horse
4. Vultures And Sharks
5. Downsides
6. Floorboards
7. Linger
8. Equinox
9. Part of Something
10. Over The Edge
11. Entity
12. Lost Isles
13. Mirage

Ocean Ate Alaska Lineup:

Chris Turner - Drums

James Kennedy - Guitar

Mike Stanton - Bass

Adam Zytkiewicz - Guitar

James Harrison - Vocals

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