Social Intolerance
March 24, 2018

Hailing from Antwerp, Belgium, OBJECTOR are giving us a taste of their full power releasing their first full length album since their EP "Stand your Ground" back in 2013. "Social intolerance" is an album who's lyrics are mainly based on social issues and injustice. The title represent pretty well the soul of this album.Lyrics against the modern society and also a glimpse of sci-fiwhich is very interesting for me as a die-hard voivod fan.
It all starts with in intro that revived some memories for me. An intro constitutes by a movie sample that sounded familiar to me but couldn't identify it at first.Sounded like some Full metal Jacket or Platoon sample but it was not.I realized it was from the movie "The crow" back in early nineties. We can hear the bad guy (Top Dollar) during a meeting with his bad minions talking about setting the city on fire.I Loved that film.
The first track "Life Denied" starts fast and we suddenly know this ain't no joke and we're set to a plain old good Thrash metal. It reminds me of TESTAMENT and SLAYER mostly...aahhh guys! The High school years! Something funny got my attention: Bock (singer) rolls his Rs while singing! The next track "My mind's insane" throws us farther into the tornado with a good rhythmic section and killer riffs. It's catchy as hell, solos are pretty cool too, not too long , not too elaborated , just full speed-ahead efficiency. The only thing id like to suggest is more bass ( id like to hear it more) the bass lines are nice and should be more in the foreground in my opinion.
"Not of this world" is very SLAYER-esque. A good solo is set at the right place,and i liked the guitar exchange between rhythm and lead. It's easy to appreciate it; an old school revival. "Alarm" is an excellent thrash song.Nothing very original, but so well done, with inferno level musicianship. The vocals are in the mid range so for high pitch notes lovers , well you'd be hungry.For me this wasn't a problem at all.Now we reach the title track. Again, the same recipe, very cool though. I like the lyrics. It brings some PESTILENCE consuming impulse, or "Ratos da poaro" (Brazil) back, which is a good thing. Funny thing , we can hear a cowbell hit somewhere in the song that me laugh a lot. Funny guys even if their lyrics are kind of serious. They have a great sense of humor!
"Toxic Storm" is Sci-fi more oriented. Guys, we're all gonna die the toxic storm is upon us! Made me wish my long hair back like in the 80's. "Vengeance will be mine" signals the end of this album. Here we have the best solo of the entire work. A last effort to keep us toe tapping, headbanging or just make a home improvement instantly in a mosh. I like that album pretty much even if originality isn't their force. The are good musicians, have strong prophetic lyrics, nice themes, and society criticism like we had in the early 90's with SEPULTURA, but in a more modern way. GOOD JOB GUYS!
7 / 10

"Social Intolerance" Track-listing:
1. Intro
2. Life Denied
3. My Mind Insane
4. Not Of This World
5. Alarm
6. Social Intolerance
7. Toxic Storm
8. Vengeance (Will Be Mine)
Objector Lineup:
Bock - Vocals, Guitar
Filip - Guitar
Stef - Bass
Jos - Drums
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