Xecutioner's Return


In 2005 the legendary US Death metal band OBITUARY decided to return to the Metal […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
September 20, 2007
Obituary - Xecutioner's Return album cover

In 2005 the legendary US Death metal band OBITUARY decided to return to the Metal scene with the incredible Frozen In Time. Since then, many things have happened and I was starting to wonder whether the new album would be able to carry the corpse-stinking feeling that every OBITUARY album has. The only one that can put an end to my dilemma is the band itself. Let's see if John Tardy and his mates can still deliver some old school fucking heavy Death Metal!

I would like to start by expressing some of my thoughts on the things that happened before the release of this album. Allen West was arrested for unknown reasons (at least I don't know them), OBITUARY left Roadrunner and signed with Candlelight Records, the cover lacks of the sickness their previous albums' covers had and I don't know if they still have the energy and the passion for pure Death Metal in them. The only thing that cheered me up was the album's title. For all of you who don't know it, XECUTIONER was the second name the band used, just before they rename the band to OBITUARY. That shows some appetite for destruction and brutality.

Grigoris said in his review for their previous album: I'm extremely anxious (from now) for their next effort, since they - possibly - did the right move with F.I.T. (you need something 'safe' to put you back on the map again) but later on they'll be forced to clear out what the intension is for this 21st century comeback. I think Xecutioner's Return shows exactly what intentions OBITUARY have. Their only intention is to stick to what they believe. Pure rotten Death Metal is still alive thanks to bands like this one! Who needs blasts faster than the speed of light, hyper technical parts and sweep picking every two seconds when you have OBITUARY's mid tempo holocaust? Ok, the album has many parts that the speed is getting way up, but the old classic rules remain the same.

The production is raw and heavy, which means that it is exactly what the album needed. John Tardy's vocals are still a trademark of OBITUARY's music and of course no one can deny that he is one of Death Metal's sickest and most twisted singers! The rhythm section is also incredible, as it is on every single album!

I really do not have many things to say more. Xecutioner's Return is an album that honors the legacy of OBITUARY and Florida Death Metal for sure! To tell you the truth I prefer Frozen In Time since it is groovier and heavier. The brand new OBITUARY album is something that will definitely look good in your album collection, while it will also blow your speakers with its good riffing and heavy sound. Death Metal maniacs must buy it as soon as possible, but the rest of the gang should carefully think about it before doing anything.

7 / 10


"Xecutioner's Return" Track-listing:

Face Your God
Lasting Presence
Evil Ways
Drop Dead
Seal Your Fate
Feel The Pain
Contrast The Dead
Second Chance
In Your Head

Obituary Lineup:

John Tardy - Vocals
Ralph Santolla - Guitar
Trevor Peres - Guitar
Frank Watkins - Bass
Donald Tardy - Drums

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