The Blame Dagger


First thing right off the bat before I summarize the album, is that you have to consider that the entire project was created by just one person, so keep that in mind. With that, the album just fell flat for me. The clean vocals were something different for sure, but I just don’t think they worked well enough with the music.
October 17, 2024

From Bandcamp, “The voice of the dying and the emptiness of despair, NUBIVAGANT is the solo project of Omega, the mind behind DARVAZA, DEATHROW, and many other projects. It’s hypnotic, monotonous and mesmerizing atmospheric Black-Metal.” The album has six songs, and “Darkness upon the Face of the Deep” is first. The sound is rather interesting for Black Metal…the music is thick and deep, but it has clean vocals, and they are just a bit pitchy at times. It almost sound like Blackened Doom metal to me, but categorizations are only for people who live on the fringes. If you like it, you like it, and it doesn’t matter what the genre is.

“Endless Mourning” has a more traditional Black Metal sound. It’s either pure aggression, or aggression tinged with despair, and I would call this the latter, especially considering the slow moving pace of the song. “A Perfect Throne” has a slower pace even, as the music mellows just a bit, but remains hardened. It’s not overly exciting, nor overly boring, and some changes in chords keep the song moving forward. “Who Made the World?” has a more harrowing sound mostly from the atmosphere that surrounds the buzzing of the riff and the drums. It slows around the half way mark, and I was waiting for a change in sound, but it didn’t materialize.

“The Voice of a Black Candle” begins with a good deal of guitar work before the main sound saunters in. Again, the movement is slow, and deliberate, to give the sound time to sink into your bones. “The Judgement” closes the album, and it’s another slow song that drips with despair. First thing right off the bat before I summarize the album, is that you have to consider that the entire project was created by just one person, so keep that in mind. With that, the album just fell flat for me. The clean vocals were something different for sure, but I just don’t think they worked well enough with the music.

4 / 10

Nothing special








"The Blame Dagger" Track-listing:

1. Darkness upon the Face of the Deep

2. Endless Mourning

3. A Perfect Throne

4. Who Made the World?

5. The Voice of a Black Candle

6. The Judgement


Nubivagant Lineup:

Omega – Everything


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