World View

From Bandcamp, “NOTIO is a solo project founded by Albert Olli in a small town of Heinola, Finland (2015). The music combines elements from melodic metal and alternative metal mixed with progressive song structures, creating an= unique listening experience.” The album titled “World View” has ten songs, and “Propagation Process” is first. Ominous tones lead off the song, followed by emotive vocals. The verses are fairly innocuous, but Albert really goes for it in the chorus. “Solipsism” has more heavy emotions in the vocals, and the music struggles to keep up. You can also hear a little phasing in the music, with comes with inexperience. The harsh vocals bring another element to the table, but the riffs are fairly simple.
“Curtain of Ignorance” presents a more cohesive sound, both in the music and the vocals. The vocals carry so much emotion with them, but the music is almost an afterthought, and are heavily laden with keys/effects. “Absurd” is another short burst of angry emotions. Many of the songs here are so short they really don’t get a lot of time to develop. The riffs are a little more developed but the harsh vocals don’t add enough flavor to the music. “A Ladder to Nowhere” has heavier structures in the opening but the vocals don’t connect well with the music. It’s almost as if they are in two separate and competing keys.
“Inevitable Outcome” is more of the story on the album than any other song, and I hate to be critical, but again, the music is very odd and the chord progressions are dissonant, but I believe unintended. “Vis Major” is another shorter song that again features shouted vocals, charged music, and more odd/weird sounds from the combination of the music and the riffs. “The End of Beautiful” closes the album. Unfortunately, it’s more madness from the mad scientist of Progressive Metal. Overall, you have to give accolades for a solo venture like this. Albert is a good singer with a lot of range, but his deep vibrato turned me off. The music was also quite odd and strange at times, and I would have a hard time connecting this to a specific audience.
5 / 10

"World View" Track-listing:
1. Propagation Process
2. Solipsism
3. Curtain of Ignorance
4. The Need to Fear
5. Absurd
6. A Ladder to Nowhere
7. Temporary Pain
8. Inevitable Outcome
9. Vis Major
10. The End Is Beautiful
Notio Lineup:
Albert Olli
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