Revealed in Ruin

No Man's Throne

Canadian Thrash Metal five-piece NO MAN'S THRONE appear to stay true to the classic Trash […]
By Claire Taylor
April 6, 2015
No Man's Throne - Revealed in Ruin album cover

Canadian Thrash Metal five-piece NO MAN'S THRONE appear to stay true to the classic Trash Metal sounds. After listening to their new release of "Revealed in Ruin", I noticed how familiar the fast, contagious drumming of Mike Hayze and sultry riffing. When I say familiar, I am referring to their use of key Trash elements for example, heavy riffing and progression style.

I think it is the strong, aggressive vocals of Randall Veinneau that pulls it away from sounding too un-original. This is not to say that the musicianship itself is basic, yet I couldn't help feel that it's been done before. "lBeneath It Al", their fourth track on the album was particularly enjoyable as the layering of heavy, pacing guitars over the double pedal drumming worked perfectly. I also couldn't help but notice how similar the vocalist was to Randy Blythe which is definitely not a bad thing whatsoever! I like the fact that NO MAN'S THRONE don't stray from classic Trash styles yet bring about a more modernised approach to their music which gives them that slight uniqueness which I think is important nowadays in the music industry, metal in particular.

I won't lie and say I wasn't foot-tapping here and there as the progression of each track builds up the anticipation of something insanely heavy, noticeably in "Veil". I can only respect and admire these guys and question why they are independent considering such talent is involved in this album. "At The Heels of Giants" was by far my favourite track on the album as it surprised me with melodic breaks and a steadier rhythm. These guys are certainly not afraid to tone down the pace when needed.  Although I stand by my point mentioned earlier that they are not necessarily anything particularly new with regards to the Trash scene, I cannot deny that I enjoyed this album and would recommend it to any LAMB OF GOD fans and Trash fans as NO MAN'S THRONE deliver a concoction of elements we all love about metal!

7 / 10


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"Revealed in Ruin" Track-listing:

1. Drown Your Worth
2. Impartial Devastation
3. A Toll To Pay
4. Beneath It All ** heavy pacing riffs
5. Limits Of Mercy
6. Revealed In Ruin
7. Veil
8. At The Heels Of Giants
9. The Kiln
10. Sword Or Swine

No Man's Throne Lineup:

Nathan McGraw - Lead Guitars
Jamie Vautour - Guitars
Mike Haze - Drums
Randall Vienneau - Vocals
Sean Hickey - Bass

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