The Eternal Flame of Death


Nightwalker is a one-man project from Germany, has been active since 2016. The Eternal Flame […]
March 17, 2025

Nightwalker is a one-man project from Germany, has been active since 2016. The Eternal Flame of Death (EP) will be release in Mar 21 by Amor Fati Productions. The lyrics are based upon black magic, witchcraft, darkness, death. The music is raw black metal, the first wave. Of course, the distortion of the guitars, gives you a Bathory, early Mayhem hint. As it should do. But also, this is the first I hear whit Nightwalker, that has a little touch of more modern production. Noxathra's voice, doesn't have to fight with the others instrument's to be heard. And the drums sound's more mighty. The guitar sound is the same, and the mix of both old and more new in the sound, works really well. This album sounds evil. The first track "Of Lurking Demons" start with an intro, that remind of an invocation. It's a track that is slow, a bit heavy, but that changes, and tremolo, and a faster pace.

"The Eternal Flame of Death" start faster, way faster. But also have a slower part's. It has a major impact on the music. It becomes more epic. The last track "In the Abyss Where Hope Must Die" is both raw and epic in a way, the most heavy track on the EP. This EP is not for everyone, if you like black metal as it was, then you're going to love it. Those old schools all kind of metal bands, has one thing in common, they are not made, to make anybody rich. They are more made for the right kind of fans, that understand and enjoy it. The inner circle, maybe? I have a huge respect, for any band that keep the old, the heritage in all genres of metal alive.

7 / 10









"The Eternal Flame of Death " Track-listing:

1. Of Lurking Demons
2. The Eternal Flame of Death
3. In the Abyss Where Hope Must Die

Nightwalker Lineup:

Noxathra - All instruments, Vocals

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