

NIGHTQUEEN is a six-piece Symphonic Power Metal outfit from Belgium that introduces its new vocalist […]
By Joseth Radiant
July 28, 2019
Nightqueen - Seduction album cover

NIGHTQUEEN is a six-piece Symphonic Power Metal outfit from Belgium that introduces its new vocalist Hellen Heart. Even though it has a few albums under its belt, Seduction shows a band that is hitting its stride and Hellen's vocals fit within its sound like she has been in the group since day one. There's no awkwardness that is typically found when bands add a new member to their lineup, especially adding a new vocalist. Her influences (mainly Bruce Dickinson and Rob Halford by the timbre of her voice) are very much worn on her sleeve, and at times, it does get a bit overbearing. But hey, who isn't influenced by both the Air Raid Siren and the Metal God?

Throughout this entire album, the listener will discover much to enjoy. There are the familiar tropes of crunchy guitars and orchestral keyboards that are commonly found within the Symphonic strain of Power Metal. There's even some Black Metal type of guitar riffs found on a track or two that adds some variety and keeps things interesting. Cosi and Rex's guitar work here is a delight to listen to as one doesn't overstep the other. Also, Rex's duet with Hellen on "Silence And Tears" is perfect because his lower range of vocals compliments hers as she goes even higher than most metal vocalists can nowadays.

If there is any constructive criticism that can be made, it is that Hellen always seems to be eager to go to the higher register of her vocals. This reviewer thoroughly enjoyed her performance on "Silence And Tears" and it would be worth listening to her explore her vocal range beyond the higher notes and hear her explore more with singing lower at times and then bringing in the higher vocals to help with the climax. Also, the growling on "Seduce Me" does come off as a bit awkward due to the sensual subject matter of the song.

But make no mistake, this is definitely a fun album to experience listening to and is something that NIGHTQUEEN can build upon. You can find this album both digitally and in physical form at any and all of the usual retailers, and yes, as always, BUY THIS ALBUM!!!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Seduction" Track-listing:

1. Power Infusion (Instrumental)
2. Energy
3. Seduce Me
4. Wall Of Sorrow
5. Fuel The Fire
6. Nightmares
7. Silence And Tears
8. Termination
9. Name Of The Gods
10. In Flames
11. Return To Wonderland
12. Nightfall

Nightqueen Lineup:

Paddy Lee - Bass
Andy Herman - Drums
Cosi Matrigiani - Guitars
Gio Zuccari - Keyboards
Rex Zeco - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Hellen Heart - Vocals

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