April 15, 2015

A deep red rose in full bloom as beautiful as the first flower to ever be seen by a creature with the capacity to behold it placed delicately across the cold grey headstone of a recently fallen loved one. It's an image of something so deeply moving and devastating, and yet, we are all able to see the beauty in that single rose. The tragedy does not blind us to its beauty and in fact, it makes it more prevalent. In every moment of sadness, anger, despair, fear, or torment, there is a beauty to be found for those willing to look hard enough and allow themselves to accept it. Musically, Italy natives, NIGHTLAND, capture this exact idea and feeling on their new offering, "Obsession".
The haunting orchestral movements of this symphonic death metal five-piece are by far some of the greatest I have heard in recent years and they alone earn the band passage into the Pantheon of musical greats all musicians work towards, but seldom gain entrance to. Vocally, both Ludovico Cioffi and the albums backing choir give an immaculate performance with their tortured satanic vibes that are stunningly beautiful in the most vile of ways.
The guitars and drums have never been something I've found myself able to critique at the same time, but with this album, this level of virtuosity, not only am I able to, but i feel that I must. NIGHTLAND, have composed this album in such a way that neither instrument section stands out above the other. Instead, the compound and compliment each other in such a masterful way that it is neither one instrument nor an infinite amount, it is neither a group nor an individual, it is simply an epic entity that simply willed itself into being and so it is. It is art in its truest of forms.
The production on "Obsession", takes everything from perfection to something unfathomable and quite chilling. Every note, every tone, every fade, crescendo, rest and differential, is in its place as if god (or Satan) mixed and mastered it himself. Every band out there needs to study this album and take notes on its post production work to get a better ear for what they should be listening for and shooting for in the studio.
Like the final breath taken by a man who has lived every second of his life to the fullest or the final note of a musician playing their farewell show, NIGHTLAND's "Obsession" is an album that will forever remind me there is beauty in devastation, and i can not thank them enough for that. "Obsession", is a true masterpiece of evil orchestral brilliance. An overture in eternal black.
10 / 10

"Obsession" Track-listing:
1. Benediction To Madness
2. Dreamless Life
3. Ares
4. Icarus
5. Alpha Et Omega
6. Cradle Of Sufferance
7. Obsession
8. Quod Vita Celat Mors Revelat
9. Last Dance Of A Treacherous Mind
10. Dreamless Life (Orchestral)
Nightland Lineup:
Andrea Sangervasi - Bass
Marco Biagini - Drums
Francesco Ambrogiani - Keyboards
Fillipo Scrima - Guitar
Ludovico Cioffi - Vocals/Guitar
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