Night Slasher

Night Slasher

Their name is perfect for their music. A night slasher is someone who scarves up unsuspecting victims in the darkness of the shadows, and uses a knife so that he can feel their pain in his hands. I picture this album playing in the background as he claims one victim after another, smiling coyly.
April 16, 2024

From Bandcamp, “hailing from Lithunania, and formed in Vilnius back in 2014 under the name ALCOTOPIA, the band released their first and album "It Hits the Spot." After the first release, the creative direction of the band had started morphing into something a lot darker. To match the intensity of the new material the band knew they had to take things to the next level and so NIGHT SLASHER was born.” The self-titled album has eight songs.

“Ice” is first. Out of the gates comes a speedy and thrashy sound with a gravel voiced, singer. If you were around during the 1980’s, this would be a proto-type for Speed Metal. One thing that the band has is a lot of energy. “Black Trip” is another speedy offering with thick bass notes mixing in with the feisty riffs. I get some VENOM vibes here, as it settles into a fighting groove. “Crystal Lizard” is another raucous and energetic song with the gas pedal pushed firmly to the floor and the nitrous turned on. There are elements of Punk Rock to the music as well.

“Liver Ripper” is a lengthier song that begins with a slow moving riff, and evil qualities. But before long, the band is tearing things up again with a scorching pace and a fuck-you attitude. “Pit of Hate” has a simple but very effective riff. These guys aren’t trying to reinvent the wheel with their music, but they have an honest and genuine approach, and never let the flame go out. “Ablaze” begins with some nimble bass work but segues into another burner, with fast picked riffs and a drummer that sets the meter and hits cymbal crashes at just the right time.

“Towers” is a harrowing affair, with a slightly slower pace at first, but as they do, they kick it into gear. “Satan in the Hall” closes the album, and the riff swings with a groove that is matched in the vocals. Their name is perfect for their music. A night slasher is someone who scarves up unsuspecting victims in the darkness of the shadows, and uses a knife so that he can feel their pain in his hands. I picture this album playing in the background as he claims one victim after another, smiling coyly.

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"Night Slasher" Track-listing:

1. Ice

2. Black Trip

3. Clyster Lizard

4. Liver Ripper

5. Pit of Hate

6. Ablaze

7. Towers

8. Satan in the Hall


Night Slasher Lineup:

Laurynas Karka – Vocals

Juozapas Bočkus – Guitar/Backing Vocals

Tomas Ivanovas – Bass/Backing Vocals

Dmitrijus Matvejevas – Drums


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