Call It What You Want

Night Laser

Night Laser the sleaze rockers from Hamburg Germany already have three albums under their belt […]
May 19, 2024

Night Laser the sleaze rockers from Hamburg Germany already have three albums under their belt “Fight For The Night” 2014, “Laserhead” 2017 and “Power To Power” in 2020.Founder members and brothers Benno and Frank Hankers have brought in new additions Felipe Zapata Martinez and Vincent Hadeler both on Guitar and along with Robert Hankers on Bass with Ingemar Oswald completing the line up on Drums to bring us studio album number four “Call It What You Want”. A collaborative effort in which they brought in producer Dirk Schlacther (Gamma Ray, Ross The Boss) along with others which was mixed and mastered by Eike Fresse (Deep Purple, Helloween and Simple Minds) plus many more,

Bittersweet Dreams” the album opener starts with drum solo accompanied by a great bass line, which then kicks off with guitars then the vocals a sleazy track with a fast tempo, a nice chorus with gang backing vocals a cool start. ”Way To The Thrill” stays in the same lane as the opener a nice catchy guitar riff, Benno Hankers vocals has that attitude and swagger which is very prominent throughout the album. ”No More Changes” has that early Guns N' Roses/LA Guns vibe another great track with swagger and attitude. ”Don't Call Me A Hero” moves away slightly from that sleaze/glam style with a bit more of a melodic sound particularly in the chorus not as strong as the first three songs for me. ”Law Of The Vulture” very fast paced it's Power Metal meets Sleaze a booming bassline, heavier guitar riffs, and pounding drums, with a bluesy mellow interlude over halfway through, with some great guitar work. ”Laser Train” is one of the highlights of the album for me its a cool upbeat rock n' roll and sleazy great vocals, superb guitars. ”

Travellers In Time" which is a ballad the violin and cello blend in and sound beautiful with the acoustic guitar. The vocals are delivered with emotion and conviction the track then bursts into a powerful epic ending another great track," Captain Punishment" has a more gritty guitar and vocals approach to it whilst "Fiddler On The Roof" is an epic Power Metal/Ballad track over nine minutes long which has some nice violin touches which blend in well with the melody of the track, it sounds very much a track in the same vain as Helloween and Maiden for me. "Thin ice" is a bonus track, its an ok track for me, there is much better tracks on the album than this one. We come to the last track of the album which is a German language cover called "Uber Alman" another bonus track which has a Fifties Rock N' Roll/Swing theme to it.

Night Laser “Call It What You Want” has some great highlight tracks “Bittersweet Dreams”, ”Laser Train” and “Travellers In Time” stand out as my favourites. The album overall is good there are a couple of tracks that did not blow me away but there are more that did. The production and mixing is great, musically very much together and the collaboration is apparent throughout the album between the band and the producer. Their is some different elements to this album Power Metal, Sleaze and Rock N' Roll definitely worth a listen.



7 / 10









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"Call It What You Want" Track-listing:

1. Bittersweet Dreams

2. Way To The Thrill

3. No More Changes

4. Don't Call Me A Hero

5. Law Of The Vulture

6. Laser Train

7. Travellers In Time

8.Captain Punishment

9.Fiddler On The Roof

10.Thin Ice (Bonus Track)

11.Uber-Alman (Bonus Track)

Night Laser Lineup:

Benno Hankers – Vocals

Felipe Zapata Martinez – Guitar

Vincent Hadeler – Guitar

Robert Hankers – Bass

Ingemar Oswald – Drums

Hanna Kuzior -Cello

Mel Caramba – Violin

Karl Ehbets – Keyboards

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