Preaching Venom


I have a great respect for bands coming from non-Metal countries that have not been […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
September 30, 2009
Nervecell - Preaching Venom album cover

I have a great respect for bands coming from non-Metal countries that have not been marked in the great Heavy Metal map. This is exactly the case with NERVECELL that hail from the United Arab Emirates. What can someone expect from the Metal scene of Dubai? Well, before NERVECELL's debut full length I thought that only oil and natural gas were the main exports from this country.
NERVECELL were formed in 2000 and put out their first demo three years later under the title Vastlands of Abomination. The next release, the EP Human Chaos, gave the band some 'air time' in the local radio station as well as in the UK and Germany where NERVECELL found a place in the charts. The publicity rise continued and NERVECELL gained a position in the billing of several festivals and in the April of 2008 they released their debut full length Preaching Venom. As it usually happens in similar cases the fuss around the band's name drew the attention of the record labels and Lifeforce Records was the one who enlisted NEVERCELL in its ranks and now is re-releasing their debut album.
If it wasn't the accompanying promo sheet I could never guess that NERVECELL come from a Middle Eastern country. The band's sound is totally European with solid Death Metal foundations and some Thrash finishing touches. The guitar riffs in Preaching Venom have a massive volume while the compact rhythm section writes Death Metal in capital letters. In an attempt to distinguish the band's influences names like MORBID ANGEL, KRISIUN, BEHEMOTH (without the Black Metal elements) and KATAKLYSM among others popped on my mind. Don't expect something groundbreaking here, since NERVECELL play Death Metal in its entire grandeur. Fast leads, great drumwork and the trademark vocals coming from the vaults are the main elements performed in a professional way that is not common from new formed bands like NERVECELL.
Of course, I could not but mention the signature influences of DEATH in the guitar leads that really shine in the ton-heavy Flesh & Memories. This track starts with a mid tempo and ends with killer double drum pedaling and a headbanging groove that tops everything off. The band reveals the strong composing potentials in the six minutes tracks Ratios and Existence Ceased. Here we get clean guitar melodies, heart bass guitar beats and yet again twin guitar melodies that could hide some Gothenburg influences.
The bottom line here is that his is a very good debut album with trademark Death Metal songs from a band that is taking the rough road from the young Metal scene of Dubai. NERVECELL is a must-check band from all the Death Metal fans who will find many things to enjoy apart from the powerful sound production that gives the music the volume it deserves.

7 / 10


"Preaching Venom" Track-listing:

As They Reign & Slither
Vicious Circle Of Bloodshed
Flesh & Memories
For Every Victim Fallen
Beyond Our Sins
Haute Monde Facade
Vastlands Of Abomination
Existence Ceased

Nervecell Lineup:

James Khazaal - Vocals, Bass
Rami Mustafa - Lead Guitar
Barney Ribeiro - Guitar
Louis Rando - Drums

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