But Anyways...
August 28, 2020

"But Anyways..." is the full length offering from NEHODA (2017) who makes the real music scene in Nashville, Tennessee in the USA. Patrick Nehoda is the main songwriter and music architect and after having made a big move from Northern California now makes his minstrel rounds in the wilds of Lower Broadway. From doing a bit of digging, I see that some of these songs have already debuted in Nash-Vegas. The band is a little thin on the super-effin slick PR Mascheen scoop, so let us proceed with the music doin' the talkin'.
Try to find your voice ... Try to make a choice ... 'I Don't Know' begins with Patrick confidentially clearing his throat before he busts into song with lyrics echoing the uncertain age of disinformation we find ourselves in now. The music has a bareknuckle caveman riff that segues into guitar boogie at the halfway point, a perfect place for a guitar lead - but there are none to be found on this slightly unconventional pop recording - and I like it. The absence of leads brings my imagination and focus into spaces where there would usually be a lead slathered on 8 or 16 bars of music. 2nd song 'Lies', is a beguiling number with a simple chord progression that acts as a conduit for Patrick's voice, the strongest instrument in the band - at once plaintive and come-hither and while the songs on this release have some additional band dynamics, Patrick never lets the dogs out by keeping himself in male tenor by eschewing emo - screamo voice. I dig this guy's voice - it's squarely in the Shawn Smith and Jason Isbell zone - what bloody great company to be in.
She'll come for you, She'll come for me ... This recorded version of "Devil's Bitch" contrasts with the more than 3 years-old prior live video of this song from July 31, 2017 that I caught on FB. In the live event, atmospheric way-back Edge U2 Delay guitar splashed between the song's chordal descent with both versions largely avoiding a groove much like a sea shanty; this song breaks on us while we are roped to life´s mizzen-mast sputtering and spitting while the She-tempest whips us to our fate. Yea mon ...
Something's gotta change your life ... 'Shakey Pop' mixes it up on by putting down a strong introspective rocker that could be at home on an alt-punk disc and keeping that in mind, Patrick's voice here is smooth counterpoint to the bounding guitar rhythms. 'Walk Away' is a love song for the 20's, a resolute sense while remaining razor blade cynical - forgiveness without the abiding forgetfulness of just what the fuck went down. Album-titled song 'But Anyways...' is aimless love, separation and the finality of just letting your shit go ... and that's the point ... but anyways ... walk away ...
Tonight I'm gonna set her soul on fire ... 'Just Another Season' is a blood soaked ditty that steers right into hillbilly love-gone-wrong revenge country with bad-ass flanged and delayed guitaro-vision. Hold on tight, don't let go ... 'Afterglow' brings a redemptive breather that reminds me of a famous Otis Redding song, melting away the bummers with scattered molten riff guitar and breakaway drumming while Patrick croons on. I Doth Proclaim this song as My Favourite Post-Murder Slo-Country Rocker. 'Please Don't Go' closes the release out with a hopeful reprieve about giving love another chance.
I like "But Anyways" when the songs are on indie courses and avoid paint-by-numbers cliche, of which there are a few. This is not an uplifting showcase of songs to cheer you up - I can take only so many revs on the Downer-Go-Round before I hurl; thankfully these songs are genuine emotional expressions buoyed by Patrick's fine voice and this combination really draws your attention. While the guitar parts are pedestrian they conjure guitar trance loops that Patrick uses as trax to sing his songs of love over, and to greater effect. The Big Man is playing out quite a bit in Trasheville, so if you get down to the holler give him a holla ... I know I will.
Finer than frog hair split four ways ... the dani bandolier playlist of bands on Spotify...
8 / 10

"But Anyways..." Track-listing:
1. I Don't Know
2. Lies
3. Devil's Bitch
4. Shakey Pop
5. Walk Away
6. But Anyways ...
7. Just Another Season
8. Afterglow
9. Please Don't Go
Nehoda Lineup:
Grayson Papa - Bass
Jeremy Gill - Drums
Patrick Nehoda - Vocals/Guitar
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