Ad Discipulum


Shitful, stereotyped and boring to death Black Metal is what NEFARIUM plays. The eight songs […]
By Yiannis Doukas
May 28, 2010
Nefarium - Ad Discipulum album cover

Shitful, stereotyped and boring to death Black Metal is what NEFARIUM plays. The eight songs included here are divided into three categories:

a)bearable but trite, touching the bottom lines of mediocrity like in "Tongue Of The First Pope (Simon Peter)" or "Mass Infanticide By The King Of Judea (Herod The Great)".
b)tracks of unspeakable to write or describe boredom like "Hands Bleeding Fear (Pontius Pilate)". These category probably wins the competition since it has the majority of these super inspired diamonds...
c)unbelievable juice melodies like a soap opera soundtrack in "Shepherd For Dead Lambs (Johan The Baptist)" or "Servus Servorum Satanae (Benedictus XVI)".

Influences for this masterpiece can be found among MARDUK, BEHEMOTH, DARK FUNERAL and some SLAYER or DEICIDE. Everything here is played in a so harmless way that it is like watching your children playing with their play-mobiles. I will end here since I don't feel it is necessary to write anything else for this album; just two questions:

a)How did they persuade Wildness Perversion sing in "The Bastard Son Of Satan (Jesus Christ)"?
b)Why they don't take some influences from MORTUARY DRAPE? Surely the results will be better or at least more Black Metal convincing.

3 / 10


"Ad Discipulum" Track-listing:
  1. Tongue Of The First Pope (Simon Peter)
  2. Hands Bleeding Fear (Pontius Pilate)
  3. The Bastard Son Of Satan (Jesus Christ)
  4. Shepherd For Dead Lambs (Johan The Baptist)
  5. Sharpening The Spear Of Longinus (Cassius Longinus)
  6. Servus Servorum Satanae (Benedictus XVI)
  7. Seven Whores Of Magdala (Mary Magdaleine)
  8. Mass Infanticide By The King Of Judea (Herod The Great)
Nefarium Lineup:

Carnifex - Guitars, Vocals
Adventor - Guitars
Vexator - Bass
Garghuf - Drums

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