Crossing The Fiery Path


There are good reasons why record companies gamble on re-releases, and Black Lotus Records hit […]
By Elina Papadoyianni
March 28, 2006
Necromantia - Crossing The Fiery Path album cover

There are good reasons why record companies gamble on re-releases, and Black Lotus Records hit the jackpot with this one! Crossing The Fiery Path is Necromantia's early work in an album that can only be described as a point of reference for the Greek Black Metal scene.
In the year of their lord, 1993, Necromantia hit the streets with their debut album Crossing The Fiery Path. What was astonishing back then as it is now, is the fact that they use 8-string bass instead of electric guitars, which makes their sound unique and immediately recognizable. Having said that, their sound is let down by production by means of timing and quality output leading to a fairly mediocre result.
Necromantia's use of keyboards and spoken parts come to their rescue as they add to the atmosphere, making the production's defects non-important. Tracks like Lord Of The Abyss, The Warlock and Last Song For Valderie will make the hair on your backbone rise, even though at some parts this seems to take place in expense of technique and variety. The lyrics once more prove to be the subject that Black Metal bands of Necromantia's magnitude fail to differentiate. To their loyal fans this may not be important but the truth is that in those younger days one would expect greater imagination on their behalf.
Crossing The Fiery Path is an album that is definitely worth your attention. Check out also the bonus track which is a cover of Omen's Death Rider.

7 / 10


"Crossing The Fiery Path" Track-listing:

The Vampire Lord Speaks...
The Warlock
Last Songs For Valdezie
Unchaining The Wolf (At War...)
Les Litanies De Satan
Lord Of The Abyss
Tribes Of The Moon
Death Rider (Omen cover)

Necromantia Lineup:

The Magus (Magus Wampyr Daoloth) - Bass & Vocals
Makis (Baron Blood) - 8-String Bass & Bass Solos

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