Burning Shadows in the Southern Night


From Bandcamp, "As the US black metal outlaws saddle up for record number two, they […]
Necrofier - Burning Shadows in the Southern Night album cover

From Bandcamp, "As the US black metal outlaws saddle up for record number two, they are leading the charge as one of the contemporary purveyors of Black Metal revivalism. "Burning Shadows in the Southern Night" is certain to elicit a sense of nostalgia for those who dare to lay ears on this vicious new offering." The album has ten songs, and "The Fall from Heaven" is the first. It's an odd song for Black Metal...soft piano notes combine with clean female vocals. But the title of the song suggests that the fall in question is a sign of bad things to come. "Total Southern Darkness" is what happens after the fall. Evil tones emulate from the instruments, and the vocals aren't taking over everything...I like their presence in the song.

"Forbidden Light of the Black Moon" has a non-traditional riff that swirls with energy. Are you sure that this is Black Metal? If it wasn't for the vocals, I'm not sure I would label it as such, but that is neither here nor there. "Destroying Angels" begins with a slow and depressive sound. So far, the album is not very excitable. Black Metal usually uses all that it has available to pummel the listener into submission. "Whispers That Burn in the Dark" is more like it. It has a hasty and aggressive sound that doesn't let up, and even a guitars solo that plays well with the main melody line. "On Wings of Death We Burn the Sky" is another song that I would call just average. The band really isn't creating anything exciting here.

"Call to the Beyond" is just another mediocre offering for me. The riffs are elementary and the vocal screams continue in the same manner as the other songs. "Burnt by the Sacred Flame" closes the album. It's more of the same. Although there are moments of really frightening sounds, reminiscent of the occult, the album as a whole lacked energy and commitment. To me, it just sounded uninspired. The best part about it was unfortunately the production.

5 / 10









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"Burning Shadows in the Southern Night" Track-listing:

1. The Fall from Heaven
2. Total Southern Darkness
3. To the Wolves
4. Forbidden Light of the Black Moon
5. Destroying Angels
6. Whispers That Burn in the Dark
7. The All Seeing Shadows
8. On Wings of Death We Burn the Sky
9. Call to the Beyond
10. Burnt by the Sacred Flame

Necrofier Lineup:

Bakka - Vocals, Guitar
Semir Ozerkan - Guitars
Dobber Beverly - Drums
Mat Valentine - Bass

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