

I still remember when I had listened to releases like "Into The Macabre", "Fragments Of […]
By Kiriakos "NG" Athanasiadis
February 2, 2012
Necrodeath - Idiosyncrasy album cover

I still remember when I had listened to releases like "Into The Macabre", "Fragments Of Insanity" and "Black As Pitch", I was so much surprised by the riffs and in general by their music. I was saying that it was the European SLAYER, before formation of THE HAUNTED. Truly, NECRODEATH had and has all the elements to achieve their aim, being one of the best Thrash Metal bands in Europe, along with the German holy triplet. Their new album, "Idiosyncrasy", via Scarlet Records came to support this fame.

"Idiosyncrasy" isn't an album like their first three-four releases, but can stand out as an opposite to them. "Idiosyncrasy" is different, more atmospheric and of course we have the riffs and solos which will remind you the first releases of SLAYER. There you have Thrash-laden riffs mixed excellently with POSSESSED and VENOM's Black Metal components. Every track is characterized by pure Thrash and among the diabolical riffing parts you can listen to some progressive themes like in the fourth track. The second track reminds that NECRODEATH are still chaotic, the riffing section is kicking asses. Fifth track presents the occult and morbid atmosphere as those take form by great vocals and tidy guitar playing. Adding the rest of the tracks, the result is magnificent. After all these years, NECRODEATH haven't run off ideas even while being separated from the maze.

NECRODEATH released an album full of developed compositions under their glorious tribe. "Idiosyncrasy" keeps their legacy darker more than ever. A magnificent album.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"Idiosyncrasy" Track-listing:

1. Part I
2. Part II
3. Part III
4. Part IV
5. Part V
6. Part VI
7. Part VII

Necrodeath Lineup:

Marco "Peso" Pesenti- Drums
Flegias- Vocals
Pier Gonella- Guitars
GL- Bass

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