Defragments of Insanity


NECRODEATH has been dealing Blackened Thrash Metal since the 80s, and despite line-up changes and […]
By Kyle Scott
April 30, 2019

NECRODEATH has been dealing Blackened Thrash Metal since the 80s, and despite line-up changes and dying and then resurrecting themselves from the grave in the late 90s, NECRODEATH has remained heavy. Maybe more so than when they first formed and released their first demo. Defragments of Insanity is a 2019 remastering of the band's sophomore album Fragments of Insanity, containing eight fragments of VENOM-inspired madness in dire need of finding order again. Unfortunately, the reception for Fragments of Insanity wasn't the best, and a year after its release, the band's original label dropped them, and NECRODEATH split until 1998 when they reformed and released The Mater of All Evil.

Defragments of Insanity is a little lost to time; the original faded and caked with dust. Remastering gave it a nice spit shine and gave the tracks a deeper, more brutal sound without overpowering the bass or the drums and leaving Alberto Gaggioti's cave troll vocals intact. Pierangelo Gonella's killer arpeggios and riffs rise and fall like a drunk Icarus, burning holes into the track harder than any series of blast beats. NECRODEATH makes you run for your life from the very first song "Choose Your Death", noxious plumes of drum beats adding to an already polluted air. Favorite track "Thanatoid" is pure, thrash rage that is barely contained within a four minute and thirty-eight second time slot. Chord friction from "State of Progressive Annihilation" creates fifty-foot tale walls of flames as hi hats clatter furiously like a feeding frenzy of metallic piranha.

Instrumental "Metempsychosis" is a scenic ride through hell and all its fiery wastelands before arriving at the (original) title track "Fragments of Insanity" where cannibalistic riffs on all sides devour each other in an audiocidal free for all; the fragments breaking further. Defragments of Insanity is a faithful remastering and wonderfully mad deathride into flaming horizons of discord.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Defragments of Insanity" Track-listing:

1. Choose Your Death
2. Thanatoid
3. State of Progressive Annihilation
4. Metempsychosis
5. Fragments of Insanity
6. Enter My Subconscious
7. Stillbirth
8. Eucaristical Sacrifice

Necrodeath Lineup:

Marco "Peso" Presenti - Drums
Alberto "Flegias" Gaggioti - Vocals
Pierangelo "Pier" Gonella - Guitars
Gianluca "GL" Fontana - Bass

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